Most fanfiction friday robocop related news are at:

More Proof Canada Is Trying to Steal Our Superheroes 27 Aug 2013 | 06:30 am
First they relocated the Justice League north of the border. Now they have these: So I guess now Superman stands for truth, justice and the Canadian "eh"? The stamps go on sale up north Sept. 10th, b...
Jackass Gives Birth to Bad Grandpa Movie 27 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
To the extent that any merchandisable "characters" aside from the jackasses themselves emerged from MTV's masochistic stunt show, Bad Grandpa can loosely be considered one. And in a twist that Sacha B...
More fanfiction friday robocop related news:
fannish friday 5 11 Jun 2012 | 11:11 pm
Fannish Friday 5 5 instances of theories getting Jossed (fanon or common fanfiction tropes being invalidated by new canon) 1. SessMom alive. Most fanon plots had her dead or did not mention her befor...
‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2′ At Comic-Con: Sony Brings Spidey, ‘Robocop’ & More To San Diego (LIVE UPDATES) 20 Jul 2013 | 04:00 am
“The Amazing Spider-Man 2″ hit into Comic-Con 2013 on Friday with stars Andrew Garfield, Jamie Foxx and Dane DeHaan joining director Marc Webb in Hall H for some friendly neighborhood rabble-rousing. ...