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Burning Nipple Tassels Sets Off Fire Alarm 26 Aug 2013 | 10:29 am
A Go Go Amy show turned out to be hotter than normal this week. She set off the buildings fire alarms after blowing out her nipple tassels which she lights on fire as part of the show. Unfortunately f...
Louisiana Sinkhole Video 25 Aug 2013 | 11:09 pm
Amazing video showing life footage of a Louisiana sinkhole opening up and swallowing a small grove of trees. The sinkhole in Baton Rouge was discovered in 2012 and grew to the size of 24 acres and fo...
More fat ladies related news:
BODY MAGIC WEIGHT LOSS 21 Jul 2010 | 09:20 am
Want to Lose Weight???? NOTE > no pills, no Dieting, lose unwanted fat, Ladies & Gentle men = achieve that toned body with bimaoffers Body magic feel good Leave a healthy Life style. WATCH THIS VIDEO...
BODY MAGIC WEIGHT LOSS 21 Jul 2010 | 09:20 am
Want to Lose Weight???? NOTE > no pills, no Dieting, lose unwanted fat, Ladies & Gentle men = achieve that toned body with bimaoffers Body magic feel good Leave a healthy Life style. WATCH THIS VIDEO...
The Fat Lady Has Sung 3 Jul 2008 | 01:45 pm
Remember how I posted that 2 families from my agency got the go ahead to file their I600s for their referrals in Phu Tho? Remember that the remaining 4 cases were dependant on the outcome of these ca...
J.D. Salinger: The Fat Lady and the Chicken Sandwich by James E. Bryan 25 Dec 2010 | 08:53 am
MLA Citation: Bryan, James E. “J. D. Salinger: The Fat Lady and the Chicken Sandwich.” College English 23.3 (1961): 226-29. Print. First Paragraph: Critics have rightly complained that J.D. Salinge...
Some things are not over even after the fat lady has sung! 3 Jul 2010 | 01:21 pm
I thought I wouldn't write any more posts about 'coming out' cause I am so over it. I assumed that I had left those days behind in 2009. However, one day while watching something on the telly, it daw...
No Fat Lady Singing Here! 30 Mar 2010 | 02:24 pm
I did indeed live through my surgery. In fact, due to the superior talents of my surgeon and the wonderful staff at the hospital, I would say I am doing extremely well. There is nothing like a video a...
all grown up 20 Feb 2010 | 08:39 am
i'm an adult. no really... i'm knocking on 30's door. this summer, in 6 months, i'll be 29. the last year of my 20's. my 20's swansong. the 20's fat lady is singing. my 20's last hurrah. am i reall...
Forking with vegan recipes from the Internet. 3 Jan 2008 | 11:51 am
So... the holidays are over. Over, over, over! This fat lady has SUNG, boys and girls. Admittedly, I have yet to put my ornaments, decorations, and tree away, but it’s...
Now Fitz….this isn’t very civil is it? Free speech is one thing but…. 23 Apr 2012 | 12:04 pm
High school graduate Jesse Kelly defeated a Harvard educated Air Force pilot, a nice American named Dave Sitton and Frank “Spank me, I’m bad” Antenori. Now that the fat lady has sung and the primary i...
Fat Ladies In Spaaaaaaaaace; A Body Positive Coloring Book 16 Aug 2011 | 07:08 am
When I was a little girl, definitely in the 10 and under range, I was kind of obsessed with Barbie coloring books. I had a gajillion Barbie things, but I really loved the coloring books because there ...