Most faux pas related news are at:

MTV’s “Catfish” Shows Marine Overcoming PTSD 23 Aug 2013 | 12:43 am
As a Red Cross military services employee and a reality TV junkie, I was pumped when my two worlds collided during this week’s episode of “Catfish.” No- “Catfish” isn’t a fishing show or MTV’s versio...
We Salute YOU, Dave the Plumber 21 Aug 2013 | 09:39 pm
Many people take a Red Cross CPR or First Aid class with the hope that they will never have to use their training outside of the classroom. However, if the occasion arises where you are needed to assi...
More faux pas related news:
Lesbian Ladyscaping 28 Apr 2010 | 06:50 am
While lesbians can forgive a number of shocking fashion faux pas for the right girl, there are some mistakes no lesbian can bear. A bit of attention to ourselves and some ladyscaping, where needed, s...
Social Media Faux Pas 14 Jul 2010 | 05:07 am
We all make mistakes. But some are worse than others! Nothing compares to the depth of the cringing shame felt on realization that your hastily typed nonsensical tweet was broadcast to thousands of ...
April 2008 5 Apr 2008 | 02:15 pm
April 2008 You know you are a Daddy when you have reached this level of Fashion Faux Pas. How many other hip Dad's out there wear shorts, black socks and black shoes to grill dinner on the patio? OK,...
Looking like she just rolled out of bed -- or was on her way to play soccer -- Britney Spears made a trip to her place of worship, Starbucks, sporting a bizarre getup consisting of a tank top, boxer s...
Christmas Shopping for Your Boss 2 Jan 2012 | 09:52 am
Christmas shopping for your boss can be a difficult situation. First of all purchasing a Christmas gift for your superiors at work is considered to be somewhat of a faux pas unless the gift is being p...
Quelle coupe de cheveux choisir ??? 28 Apr 2011 | 05:39 pm
Choix des coupes de cheveux selon la forme du visage : des conseils et des mises en garde pour être certaine d'être au top de la tendance 2011 sans risquer le fashion faux pas !
Fashionny? or Fashion Faux Pas? 30 Apr 2012 | 11:55 pm
And the star of today's topic are FitFlops! There's been abit of a hype about these sandals that hit Malaysia, well, not too long ago. So the question is, Fashion Yes? or Fashion No? This entry was...
Keeping Us Together For 10 Years 23 Mar 2012 | 05:39 am
Springtime! Backless, strapless, low cut, one shoulder...It is the season for fashion faux pas and we are on a mission to change that. You don't need movie star magic or expensive designer tricks, ju...
Dear Tom.. The things we think and do not say.. Thoughts on the populist appeal of deriding data. 23 Jan 2012 | 09:39 am
I sit here at my laptop starting to write a response to a blog post I have just read in the full awareness that I am about to commit a form of professional twitter/blog based faux pas. On Sunday I wok...
So that your question for you is “How to wear noticeably pale decorated nike air max acquiring to break those fashion-faux-pas guide created by keepin... 28 May 2012 | 02:32 am
To be sure the question for you is “How to utilize very lighting coloured nike air max without breaking your own fashion-faux-pas rule regarding preserving shoes or boots equal-to or maybe candle lit ...