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Widget – Live Cams 22 Jan 2012 | 12:29 am
This free wordpress widget allows you to display the chaturbate xml feed in your wordpress sidebar. The usage is very simple, upload the folder to your plugins folder, activate the plugin, then go to ...
How to display your latest tweets in your WordPress blog without a plugin 31 Jul 2010 | 05:32 pm
Twitter is a social networking giant and it has become a part of everyone who loves to interact on the web. I have seen Twitter feeds on every WordPress blog that I’ve visited and I think it’s a very ...
Adding a YouTube feed to a WordPress template 18 Mar 2009 | 03:19 am
The built in WordPress function fetch_rss() makes it easy to pull in an RSS feed from any other site and display it on your own blog. The function gives you convenient access to the raw data from the...
Incorporating RSS Feeds 23 Jan 2012 | 01:17 pm
Activate the “WordPress RSS shortcode” to include headlines from an RSS feed. This works the same as it would in a WordPress post or page. Example: [rsstag url="
wintherfahrzeuge 26 Nov 2011 | 10:09 am
RSS-Feed No items, feed is empty. hier gibt es wintherspielfahrzeuge
How to display post images in WordPress RSS feed 23 May 2011 | 09:52 pm
By default WordPress RSS feeds show only text content. You can show images from post into your RSS feed. Edit the functions.php file in your theme and put the following lines. To show thumbnail images...
Magento-WordPress-Integration über RSS-Feeds mit WpFeed 11 Jun 2010 | 11:34 pm
Die Extension NETZKOLLEKTIV WpFeed integriert WordPress mit Magento Commerce. Die Integration beruht auf der Nutzung des RSS-Feed Mechanismus von WordPress, welcher es ermöglicht durch Angabe von Para...
Blogpig 30 Nov 2010 | 04:12 am
CSVPiG Pro is a data feed import plugin. It transforms affiliate data feeds into professional WordPress blogs with thousands of content rich self-publishing posts. Get CSVPiG Pro Now! Click Here! Co...
Hoe je de RSS Feed Widget kunt aanpassen 1 Jun 2009 | 06:55 am
In mijn vorige bericht schreef ik hoe je de RSS Feed van je blog via Google kunt laten lopen. Zoals je nu kunt zien in het zijmenu is opmaak nogal gewijzigd ten opzichte van de tekst wi...
Hoe je een RSS Feed via Google Feeds aanbied 21 May 2009 | 08:58 pm
Een Blog heeft altijd de mogelijkheid van een RSS Feed, met zo’n feed kunnen je bezoekers op de hoogte blijven van de laatste berichten die je gepost hebt, zonder dat ze naar de site toe...