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Jurnalul unei femei simple 23 Aug 2013 | 02:44 pm
Pentru astăzi (data/ora)... 23 august, la prânz. Acum, când scriu data, îmi dau seama că e o zi cu importanţă istorică, dar cum nu mai defilează nimeni pe străzi, e cam uitată şi nesărbătorită. Afar...
un gând 19 Aug 2013 | 04:03 pm
”Femeile sunt de două categorii: unele sunt mai ales mame, altele iubite. Dacă le compari cu anotimpurile, femeia mamă este ca anotimpul ploilor, îți dă hrană, te potolește, îți în...
More fetele gilmore related news:
Sarbatoritii zilei! 27 Mar 2012 | 09:02 am
Azi, 27 martie, avem opt sarbatoriti: Sandra Hess din "Pensacola" si "CSI", Quentin Tarantino din "Alias", Michael York din "Fetele Gilmore", "Vecinii" si "Drumul spre Avonela", Nathan Fillion din "L...
Concurs - Vampirii din Morganville vol. 4 16 May 2011 | 01:33 am
Hello everyone! Am o mica surpriza, se pare ca una dintre fetele castigatoare ale unui concurs precedent nu a ridicat cartea de la posta, asadar ghinionul unuia, norocul altcuiva! Cartea despre care v...
Impecabil - Vol. 2 din seria Micutele Mincinoase 16 May 2011 | 12:26 am
Fereşte-te de fetele frumoase cu secrete întunecate! Impecabil Vol. 2 din seria Micuţele mincinoase de Sara Shepard · Seria supranumită de Publisher’s Weekly „Neveste disperate pentru adoles...
Alexis Bledel Photos 17 May 2012 | 11:00 am
Alexis Bledel Photos - Mad Men Side Boob Pics Rory Gilmore is all grown up. Check out her nearly nude screen caps from Mad Men.
Ghost Recon: Alpha 2012 Full Movie Free Download |Ghost Recon: Alpha Movie Online 25 May 2012 | 04:49 pm
IMDB Link: Rating: 7.3/10 Release Date: 3 May 2012 (USA) Genre: Short | Action | Sci-Fi Stars: Radek Bruna, Karel Dobry and Keith Gilmore Directors : François...
Gilmore Girls Made Me Understand My Old Girlfriend 17 Mar 2010 | 06:00 am
In the Gilmore Girls episode, “That Damn Donna Reed,” at one point, Lorelai calls Luke and asks him to search for her lost baby chick that has escaped. Luke naturally thinks the lost baby chick is jus...
Staying Out All Night 11 Mar 2010 | 10:47 am
Remember this in the Gilmore Girls episode “Rory’s Dance”? Lorelai had hurt her back, and there was only one position on the couch in which she could get any relief, lying upside-down, with her head h...
The Timing Has Never Been Right 4 Mar 2010 | 09:00 am
The episode “Cinnamon’s Wake” could have been called “Goodbye, Lorelai Gilmore,” because both Dean and Max use that phrase to their respective Lorelais. What I find more interesting, though, is somet...
Parenthood Review (First Episode) 4 Mar 2010 | 03:23 am
Last night, I watched the first episode of Lauren Graham’s new show, Parenthood, in which Lauren plays a single mom named Sarah—the similarity with Gilmore Girls ends there—and… Déjà vu! I think I ma...
Rory Gilmore's First Day at Chilton 27 Feb 2010 | 09:45 am
One of the biggest fears any of us, probably, has upon going to a new place is whether we will be accepted. And Rory’s… er… “discussion” with Headmaster Charleston must have made her feel like a compl...