Most flemish related news are at: – FFC – Das Franko-Flämische Contingent

01+02 Dezember 2012 – Winterbankett 12 Nov 2012 | 06:52 pm

01+02 Dezember 2012 – Winterbankett auf Burg Tannenberg 23+24 Februar 2013 – Cadretreffen auf Burg Tannenberg

Termine 2012 18 Jan 2012 | 10:08 pm

Ein gutes neues Jahr allen Besuchern unser HP. Das Jahr 2012 hat begonnen und damit die Planungen für viele Events. Die Termine findet ihr hier.

More flemish related news:

update picture 30 Sep 2010 | 02:04 am

Indukan Rex Tricolor - bodi mantap - SOLD- Indukan Black Tan Indukan Rex Otter (ada sepasang) Anakan flemish giant usia antara 1,5-2bulan Anakan himalayan usia sekitar 2 bulan. Ada 5 ekor anakan. ...

Flemish Giant Indukan (dijual) 18 Jul 2010 | 11:35 pm

Indukan flemish Giant yang ada di peternakan kami dengan bobot sekitar 5kg. Bila ada yang berminat silakan datang ke tempat kami, harga dijamin murah.

Jual Kelinci (Rabbit For Sale) 13 Mar 2010 | 08:09 pm

ini Tasia mau jual pejantan flemish,,,, numpang jualan lagi,,,,, cuaman 1 ekor kok.. siapa tahu ada yang berminat..... Pejantan Flemish warna: spot coklat umur: kira kira 1 tahunan harga 140rb ayoo.....

Prospek Usaha Ternak Kelinci 29 Nov 2009 | 09:43 pm

Reff. Link Kelinci : Perkelincian & Budidaya Kelinci Kelinci konsumsi potong hias, jenis kelinci flemish giant beratnya bisa diatas 8 kg. Selain itu ada juga New Zealand White Kelinci yang cocok disi...

Kelinci Flemish Giant 9 Dec 2009 | 05:37 pm

Riponti Rabbit FLEMISH GIANT Kelinci Flemish Giant / VLAAMSE REUS : kandungan gizi daging kelinci, pupuk kotoran kelinci, kuliner olahan dari daging kelinci, produktivitas kelinci flemish giant, kele...

Jual Kelinci 11 Feb 2009 | 05:44 pm

KELINCI RIPONTI RABBIT JAKARTA Sedia berbagai macam kelinci hias al. jenis kelinci Rex, Dutch, Angora, Tan, Dwarf Hotot, Netherland Dwarf, Sable Satin, Flemish Giant dll. juga jual pakan / pelet khu...

Jual Kelinci Hias Konsumsi 6 Dec 2009 | 01:47 pm

Riponti rabbiT Jual kelinci hias konsumsi kelinci potong pedaging jual kelinci netherland nederland dwarf flemish vlaams yamamoto tan anggora australi new zealand white jual pakan kelinci kelincputih ...

Adventures in Belgium: Maja and a.raw Improvise Flemish 6 May 2008 | 07:55 pm

Our first attempt at an improvised duet (using a Flemish grammar book) picks up midway once we suss the other's sensibilities. Hopefully we'll have more opportunities to play in the future!

Brussels – Ancient and Modern 6 Oct 2011 | 10:04 pm

Brussels is the federal capital of Belgium. It is also the capital of each of the two communities of Belgium, the French and the Flemish, but this is not the place to attempt a detailed description of...

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