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MEMORIA. 26 Mar 2012 | 06:38 am
"Podrán cortar todas las flores, pero no podrán detener la primavera."— Pablo Neruda Anuncia esta inmortal frase que subìa Julieta a Twitter. Frase que resume en pocas, pero maravillosas palabras l...
Frase de Malvo - Todo Mundo Odeia o Chris 28 May 2012 | 04:01 am
1°- Deve uma corrente de ouro pro malvo. 2°- É dureza assaltar uma loja de armas,tem armas la. 3°-Na vida tem gente que fabrica coisas e aí tem gente que tomam coisas,eu sou dos que tomam,mas também...
Beats By Dre Pro Countless brand new clinical graduate students consider an issue 6 May 2012 | 12:10 am
Of course, no one would use the service if it wasn't worth paying for,So is that restaurant you loved down the street You can have sub-headlinesThe great direct mail copywriter Joe Sugarman taught me ...
Glass Front Refrigerator Reviews – Sub Zero PRO-48 25 Oct 2011 | 05:16 am
One great option for anyone seeking a full sized glass front refrigerator for home use is the Sub-Zero PRO48 Glass Door Refrigerator/Freezer. This magnificent appliances features sculpted metal and a...
Foto – Eminescu aniversat în Parcul Sub Arini 17 Jan 2012 | 11:55 am
Adrian Brătoiu (text şi foto) Peste 150 de sibieni au fost prezenţi duminică, 15 ianuarie, pe Platoul Mihai Eminescu din Parcul Sub Arini pentru a aniversa 162 de ani de la naşterea marelui poet, pro...
"L" takes sub 6 Aug 2011 | 09:51 am
Roteiro e Direcao: Thais Fujinaga Fotografia: André Luiz de Luiz Arte: Amanda Ferreira Montagem: Alexandre Taira Musica: José Renato Luiz Dir. Produção:: Fernanda Frasca Prod. Executiva: Cauê Ueda Pro...
Se sub-17 na minha época fosse assim... 25 Mar 2011 | 08:44 pm
eu teria virado nerd mto mais cedo! PQP!!! kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk detalhe pros fails... Yudi não sabe roubar beijos... 02:09 a cara "sexy" dos manolos atras do yudi... 02:21 o infeliz de blusa xadrez verm...
Orbus Pro X9000 Treadmill with MP3 Technology Review 18 Jan 2011 | 03:17 am
The Orbus Pro X9000 is a sub £600 treadmill designed to rival more premium, commercial products sold at a much higher price. The specification on the Pro X9000 is certainly impressive and the first po...
The Pros and Cons of your Chicago Kitchen Remodeling Project 19 Feb 2011 | 03:40 am
Unlike any other renovation, your Chicago kitchen remodeling project involves so many sub-projects and micromanagement that it can simply overwhelm even the most focused home-owner. On the other hand,...
GO RIO Super Bundle 31 May 2012 | 02:55 am
GO RIO Super Bundle The GO RIO Super Bundle includes: • 44-inch GO RIO PRO 44 Dye Sub Printer • GO RIO Media Handling Take-up System • 30-inch x 40-inch GO xPress 3040 Pneumatic Heat Press • Wasatch ...