Most fraude co2 related news are at: – L'Observatoire de la diaspora

Vaste escroquerie à la TVA, un des escrocs réfugié en Israël 26 Jan 2011 | 09:00 pm

Cinq informations judiciaires ont été ouvertes dans l’affaire de la fraude à la TVA sur le CO2, qui aurait fait perdre au fisc 1,5 milliard d’euros. Mais les poursuites se concentrent sur quelques pro...

“Les Goyims ont été créés pour servir les juifs ” Rabbin Ovadia Yossef 26 Jan 2011 | 08:30 pm

Classé dans:Bon à savoir, Réseau, Vidéo

More fraude co2 related news:

Pipex Fraud - Part Two - I Believe Pipex Internet Limited Are Guilty of Fraud 24 Mar 2008 | 06:07 am

Please forgive me this intrusion - but I'm embroiled in something that has annoyed me to such an extent that I have decided to turn over the frontpage of my website to this issue. I invite you to read...

Are Pipex Fraudulent Criminals? 7 Feb 2008 | 08:08 am

UPDATE: This article is now the first of two. Unfortunately things with Pipex are still ongoing (as of 24th March 2008) and I have now concluded that in my opinion this has to be fraud.  For the next ...

Датчик углекислого газа MSH-P-CO2 Dynament 26 Jan 2010 | 12:04 am

Оптический датчик углекислого газа от Dynament. Классическая схема включения. Сенсор в миниатюрном корпусе. Диапазон измерения до 100 % объема. Высокая точность измерения. Большой ресурс сенсора ...

Erich von Daniken: mentiras, fraudes e bananas 8 Apr 2012 | 04:11 am

No livro “The Gold of the Gods” (1973)*, Erich von Däniken anuncia logo no início: “Para mim esta é a mais incrível e fantástica história do século. Poderia facilmente ter vindo diretamente dos campo...

Social Security Number Fraud – What You Need to Know 2 Sep 2011 | 12:56 pm

Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States.  Take a look at the statistics for 2008 [1]: An estimated 11.7 million persons, representing 5% of persons age 16 or older in...

Mitsubishi iMiev – Probefahrt ganz ohne CO2-Ausstoß 18 Mar 2010 | 04:06 am

Probefahrt machen! So sieht emissionsfreies Fahren zukünftig auf deutschen Straßen aus: der 4-türige Mitsubishi iMiev kommt Ende 2010 auf den Markt. Er erreicht mit seinen 64 PS immerhin eine Höchstge...

Dissenting Voice 9 Oct 2008 | 10:38 pm

Roy Spencer, a team leader on NASA's Aqua satellite, believes natural cycles account for most of last century's warming, with CO2 contributing only a modest amount ...

Dissenting Voice 5 Oct 2008 | 01:02 am

The global warming issue is, says Czech President Vaclav Klaus, not about temperature, CO2, climatology or science. No – it's about freedom and prosperity ...

Obama Buying Votes instead of Prosecuting Fraud 25 Oct 2011 | 03:22 am

A sinking President Obama is trying to buy votes from those who are already underwater. It is a waste of valuable government time and resources that could be better used. The federal government has n...

Restaurant owner found guilty of insurance fraud 23 May 2012 | 10:14 pm

DAYTON - A local restaurant owner convicted Tuesday of insurance fraud faces up to 17 years in prison for a scheme prosecutors say put people and businesses at risk.

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