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Нужен опытный верстальщик для верстки промо-сайта! 7 страниц 27 Aug 2013 | 04:42 pm
Для сотрудничества нужен опытный верстальщик. Нужно нарезать макет из PSD и качественно сверстать используя - html5, css3, js. Внизу прикладываю технические требования к...
Требуется сделать рерайт 800 описаний товаров (Бюджет: 24000 руб.) 27 Aug 2013 | 03:02 pm
Требуется сделать рерайт 800 описаний товаров. Тематика описаний - подарочные книги. Оплата - 30р за 1000зн ( в целом одно описание это порядка 1000 знаков). Время выполнения 30 дней. (Возможно, я для...
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Suya Yansıyan Manzara 29 Apr 2012 | 07:55 am
Arkadaşlar bu dersimizde bir fotoğrafı suya yansıtacağız… Çalışmamızın Son Hali… İlk önce resmimizi Ctrl+O yardımıyla açıyoruz… Image – Canvas Size ile resmi aşağıya doğru 2 katı boyutuna getirin.....
Kime estetik burun ameliyatı olmalıyım ? 2 Aug 2010 | 07:32 am
Son zamanlarda çok sık tartışılan bir konu da bu ameliyatları, Kulak Burun Boğaz uzmanlarının mı yoksa Plastik cerrahi uzmanlarının mı yapması gerektiği sorusudur. Bu sorunun yanıtı çok basit, doğru ...
PetroleumEngineers.RU 7 Mar 2011 | 10:59 am
Форумяне! В скором времени мы перезжаем на новый домен - своеобразный ребрендинг. Почему и зачем: есть большое желание постепенно развивать проект и сделать из него нечто больш...
Как поднять настроение своему другу или подруге? 20 Feb 2009 | 03:01 am
Да очень просто - пришли ему ссылку и вот увидишь, как твой друг воспрянет духом и на его лице засияет улыбка. Проверено на моих друзьях и подругах :-))))))
Identity: 29 Jun 2011 | 02:35 am
The developers of online shop approached us to draw a logo for their project. The guys wanted to have a sign that would reflect the Shopping is Fun spirit but at the same time be contempor...
Pirate Fluxx 9 May 2012 | 03:47 am
Yarr! Draw a card play a card and grab yer cutlass! Pirates have taken over Fluxx, the ever-changing card game, and their rules be new and strange. There'll be times ye must Talk Like a Pirate, and ru...
design and development blogs 16 Mar 2010 | 04:36 am
Graphic Design and Website Development Blogs For Designers: links to contests, freelance job sites, free vectors, tutorials and tips. For Developers: links to freelance jobs, reference links and dev...
7 habits of highly effective freelance programmers 19 Feb 2008 | 06:45 am
I have developed these based on my freelancing experience. Though I have discontinued freelancing, but would like to share my practices with you. These are basic practices and have been developed over...
Do you have skill in Graphic Design? Freelance graphic designer needed 29 May 2012 | 02:18 pm
If you have a good skill in Graphic design, such as Adobe Photoshop, Logo Design, Photo Editing, CorelDraw, Poster Design, Banner Design, Brochure Design, etc, you know that many jobs opportunities av...
Get paid for completing freelance jobs on the Internet 28 May 2012 | 06:37 pm
If you want to profit from your specialist knowledge or you can write academic articles, software, you can sign up for freelance jobs. The best thing about this is that you do not have to do much busi...