Most geek linux dessin related news are at:

Les 10 erreurs à ne pas faire sur un site web ! 1 May 2012 | 11:57 am
Il existe de nombreuses techniques toutes plus farfelues les unes que les autres pour nous énerver lorsque nous visitions un site web. Je vais vous faire un petit récapitulatif des plus chiantes … 1....
[Astuces] – Comment enlever la couleur verte sur les dossiers/fichiers Windows 9 Apr 2012 | 01:49 am
Bonjour, Avant tout, cette astuce fonctionne sur Windows Vista/7/8. Je vous explique comment l’ enlever : La couleur du texte du dossier devient vert cela signifie que le fichier ou que le dossie...
More geek linux dessin related news:
Typing a command in your terminal can now get you a sandwich. Seriously. 18 Dec 2011 | 09:04 pm
Most of us geeks had a dream – how awesome would it be if we can get a sandwich by typing on our linux terminal. This is immortalized by the XKCD comic piece above. Now, researchers from Technical Un...
Inaugural downtown Ottawa Linux geek-up, Tues, May 24, 5 pm. 21 May 2011 | 01:53 am
Tuesday, May 24 will represent the first after-work meeting of what I'm unofficially calling the downtown Ottawa Linux kernel geek-up. The plan is to meet on a moderately regular basis after work on s...
Installing packages on Synology NAS through ipkg 16 Sep 2010 | 10:01 pm
Recently I bought a Synology DS210j NAS. This is a linux-based NAS with an ARM processor. As this basically is a full linux server, there are some interesting options for geeks familiar with the comma...
Web Hosting – Linux or Windows? 21 May 2012 | 02:14 am
I’m not a geek. But, yes, I’m highly inquisitive and continuously look forward for better performance in lower budget . I personally come across many people who want to know whether it’s ok to go for ...
Piropos Geek 6 Mar 2009 | 01:58 pm
Aquí unos cuantos piropos para conquistar a una chica Geek! Eres el kernel de mi linux. Eres el html de mi Eres 1024kb para mi megabyte. Tus ojos brillan mas que mi torre de cd´s. Tu...
Opensource rules but for ‘Lack of Support’ 14 Aug 2010 | 11:42 am
Open source has been around for awhile, but up until now, you kinda had to be a backroom computer geek working with Linux, Apache and Mysql to have really had any exposure to it. Since the appearance ...
Mettez à jour votre ordinateur ! 25 Feb 2011 | 10:40 pm
Pour finir la semaine, voici un dessin qui illustre la disponibilité d'une mise à jour sur Linux, Windows et Mac...
How a linux geek play with google guitar 10 Jun 2011 | 10:35 am
Hi, I guess you saw the google guitar on I faced a problem when I try to run the clips which my friends posted on facebook and buzz Because I press keys very slow and I can’t know which c...
Headphones not working in Linux 9 Apr 2009 | 12:00 pm
I’ve tried to run Linux off and on over the years. It’s a kind of geek merit badge, you aren’t a true geek until you can do all of your work in Linux. During my most current trial, I was having troubl...
A Complete Guide for Switching to Ubuntu 5 Apr 2011 | 05:56 pm
Ubuntu is one of the cleanest and most widely used Linux distribution, well-suited for average users. You don't need to be a labeled Geek to install and use Ubuntu. It's quite easy to get along with i...