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New 30.04.09 1 May 2009 | 06:42 am
Ghost Whisperer revient avec sa 4eme saison sur toutes vos series preférées! et Nip tuck avec sa 5eme saison!!
Videojuego de Entre Fantasmas en desarrollo 25 Jul 2009 | 07:05 am
La compañía Legacy Interactive ha anunciado un juego basado en la serie Entre Fantasmas. El juego se llamará "Ghost Whisperer: Shadowlands" y todavía está por ver si Jennifer Love Hewitt pondrá voz a...
Jennifer Hewitt - In The Steamy Season Two Of “The Client List” 23 May 2012 | 07:09 pm
Jennifer Hewitt, is known by the name Melinda Gordon, from the show Ghost Whisperer. This beautiful lady, who played a number of characters in a variety of TV series, is now coming to make temperature...
Ghost Whisperer : Episodes 1 et 2 31 Dec 2011 | 07:37 am
Aidez les fantômes dans leur quête d’éternité ! Retrouvez Melinda Gordon et tous les personnages de la célèbre série Ghost Whisperer dans ce jeu d’Enigmes & Objets Cachés ! Utilisez les pouvoirs surna...
Jennifer Hewitt - In The Steamy Season Two Of “The Client List” 23 May 2012 | 03:09 pm
Jennifer Hewitt, is known by the name Melinda Gordon, from the show Ghost Whisperer. This beautiful lady, who played a number of characters in a variety of TV series, is now coming to make temperature...
"Garfield - O Filme" na Sessão da Tarde de segunda-feira 8 Sep 2012 | 03:26 am
Nesta segunda-feira (10/setembro) a Globo exibe "Garfield - O Filme", às 15:35, na Sessão da Tarde. No elenco temos Jennifer Love Hewitt, da série ENTRE VIDAS (Ghost Whisperer), que até hoje ainda nã...
Sony Spin estrena la serie española El don de Alba (adaptación de Ghost Whisperer) 15 Nov 2012 | 12:46 pm
El canal Sony Spin estrena en latinoamérica la serie española El don de Alba, una adaptación de la serie estadounidense Ghost Whisperer, el estreno será durante la primavera del 2013. Patricia Montero...
Jennifer Hewitt – In The Steamy Season Two Of “The Client List” 23 May 2012 | 12:09 pm
Jennifer Hewitt, is known by the name Melinda Gordon, from the show Ghost Whisperer. This beautiful lady, who played a number of characters in a variety of TV series, is now coming to make temperature...
Eventos Melhor série FANTASIA (3º combate) 27 Aug 2013 | 05:06 pm
Escolha as DUAS melhores: Supernatural (2005) - Indu ou Mortal Kombat: Conquest (1998) - Bilbo Bolseiro ou Dragon Ball (1986) - Thor ou Ghost Whisperer (2010) - abylos ou The Ghost & Mrs. Muir (1...