Most glad bags related news are at:

A packed Good Friday service 25 Aug 2013 | 09:00 pm
We made our plans very carefully and catered for about 70 - tea, coffee, hot cross buns, hymn books. All the surrounding churches were invited. We knew something special was happening when two young m...
Cheers! 25 Aug 2013 | 09:00 pm
No posts for a few days. I shall be here cheering like mad for the English team in the men's final and watching carefully the contribution of a certain preacher on note. Even the circuit super is comi...
More glad bags related news:
Glad Bags Advertorial – Rooi Rose 17 Jul 2012 | 10:21 pm
This was a fun day organised by Alexia Beswick at Caxton. Model: Nadia van der Merwe from Ice Models. Styled by Linda Bean and shot by Francois Booysens.
Glad Bags Advertorial – Rooi Rose 17 Jul 2012 | 07:21 pm
I simply have to give my ‘Jose Erber’ curling iron a credit here. It makes the best darn curls out of any other curling tongs, hot rollers of any other aparatus I’ve ever used This was a fun day orga...
Mandala Tote 3 Jun 2010 | 06:10 pm
Do you like my little mandala tote? I was totally inspired by a hand-drawn tote bag created by Yasmine in the latest issue of Parasol Craft. I used a black fine point Tee Juice fabric marker and it we...
Looking Out My Window 4 Mar 2012 | 05:09 am
The snow started falling after sunrise this morning. Yesterday had brought mild temperatures and rain--lots of rain. (I'm glad that wasn't snow!) In the evening fierce winds buffeted our house on t...
AdSense now speaks Indonesian 2 Feb 2012 | 02:26 pm
Finally, AdSense now speaks Indonesian. This is a great news for Indonesian publisher. We can monetize our website or blog in Bahasa Indonesia with Google Adsense. “We’re glad to announce that Indone...
Free wordpress theme: Elegant 23 May 2012 | 11:19 pm
I’m glad to announce our first free wordpress theme. It’s a clean, simple yet smart template. If you need help installing, just contact us or leave a reply. Features: Slider (Using Easing Slider in...
AWESOMENESS! The Caine’s Arcade film is online!!! 11 Apr 2012 | 08:16 am
When I’m old and gray and thinking back upon the beginnings of HiddenLA, this will always be one of the first things to bring a smile to my face. You guys did good. :) A GIANT bag o’ props to Nirvan M...
Experts Academy Elite Bonus 24 Jan 2012 | 11:19 am
Last year I purchased Experts Academy by Brendon Burchard, and I gladly paid full asking price for it. And so did 3 or 4 of my best friends, all on my recommendation. Every single one of them, includ...
Re-reading the Groupon IPO filing - some of my favourite moments 16 Apr 2012 | 03:21 pm
The Groupon IPO has been a "mixed bag" to put it nicely. They floated at $20 and are currently sitting at around the $13 mark (lastest GRPN quote here). The recent earnings re-statement by Groupon pro...
Massimo Osti Studio x 12th Man MO1/Project 14 Sep 2010 | 08:20 pm
Update! The MO1/Project t-shirts are now on sale! Glad to see the Osti Studio and 12th Man collaboration finally come to fruition. The shirts celebrate the works of Massimo’s graphic design. Check out...