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iPad Google Calendar Sync Underdog: CalenGoo. 12 Aug 2010 | 11:00 pm
When I wrote my SaiSuke VS Calendar App review I choose those two because they are what I was familiar with. Half the fun of having this site is the great suggestions I get from readers, and test out ...
[Q12000 Calendrier] - R12120 Synchroniser Google Calendar avec Outlook 2010 16 Aug 2010 | 11:01 am
La version actuelle de Google Calendar Sync ( n'est pas compatible avec Outlook 2010. Une toute petite modif permet de la rendre opérationnelle. La version de Google Calendar Sync est...
How To Make Google Calendar Sync Work With Microsoft Outlook 2010 5 Jul 2010 | 09:21 am
If you use Google Calendar sync and have upgraded to Microsoft Office 2010 you’ve no doubt discovered that the two don’t work together. Here’s the world’s easiest fix: Download this file: GoogleCalen...
Sincronizar Google Calendar con Outlook 16 Nov 2012 | 06:35 pm
Para sincronizar el calendario de Google Calendar con Outlook, o el de outlook a Google Calendar o ambos necesitamos el programa Google Calendar Sync. Lo instalamos e introducimos la cuenta Google y n...
Google and God on Judgement Day 7 Apr 2012 | 09:48 pm
If you have a Google account and are logged in when you do your searches, then Google knows everything there is to know about you. I use Google personal search, Gmail, Latitude, Google Calendar (synce...
New Sales WIN Release: The good keeps getting better! 12 Nov 2011 | 09:07 am
Magnet just upgraded Sales WIN to include some great enhancements making the application even easier and more effective to use. New capabilities include: Calendar Sync with Outlook and Google Now y...
Syncing multiple Google calendars on iPad 11 Aug 2010 | 03:03 am
Today, when I was trying to have my agenda better organized by splitting it up in several Google calendars, I found out that only one primary calendar got synced with my iPad, the other ones were ign...
Calendar VS SaiSuke on iPad Showdown. 24 Jul 2010 | 10:20 pm
A little over a year ago, I did a rundown/review of Google Sync VS SaiSuke for, which was when the ability to sync wirelessly your Google Calendars to your iOS device was still relat...
How to Add or Change Multiple Google Calendars to your iPhone 14 Feb 2012 | 06:59 am
Go to Select the calendars you want to sync and refresh your iPhone calendar. Done.
Sync And Share Your iCal Calendar With Multiple People Using BusySync and Google Calendar 11 Jan 2009 | 08:40 pm
My wife and I keep our calendars in iCal, but without some divine intervention we couldn’t sync our calendars or view each other’s calendar in iCal. We ran into this same issue at the office as well –...