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angry birds على جول بلس ومجموعة اخرى من الالعاب المميزة على googl+ قريبا 15 Aug 2011 | 03:32 pm
angry birds - الطيور الغاضبة ومجموعة من الالعاب الشيقة والممتعة تم اطلاقها قبل عدة ايام على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي جوجل بلس . حيث ستكون برايي هذه الالعاب جيدة في البداية خاصة في ظل مشكلة عدم وجود اص...
Обновление Angry Birds Star Wars: Планета Hoth 30 Nov 2012 | 12:58 pm
Вышло первое обновление Angry Birds Star Wars под номером v1.1.0. где открывается новая планета Hoth. Пока обновление доступно на iOS-устройствах и Android через Google Play, Angry Birds Star Wars — H...
Расширение браузера Google Chrome Silver Bird (Серебряная птица). 9 Apr 2013 | 10:46 pm
Как пользоваться расширением браузера Google Chrome Silver Bird (Серебряная птица). Предисловие. Мое первое знакомство с Твиттером произошло в декабре 2011. Именно тогда я поступила на бесплатный кур...
Los videojuegos llegan a la red social de Google 14 Aug 2011 | 01:01 pm
Se estrena con 16 videojuegos, como Dragon Age Legends o Angry Birds. La red social de Google, Google+, ha sumado finalmente videojuegos a sus funciones integradas, con un total de 16 títulos en el c...
Google SEO Panda Update, Bing Update, Porn Targets Kids & Angry Birds SEO 3 Apr 2012 | 04:55 pm
This week at the Search Engine Roundtable we gave our monthly Google SEO webmaster report. We also discussed possible early signs of a new Farmer / Panda rollout. Google smacked down a webmaster after...
Unlock And Play all Angry Birds Levels In Chrome Browser 6 Jun 2011 | 05:29 am
If you are playing Angry Birds Game from your Chrome browser and Want to play next level game without Completing all other levels then you can easily do this using below java tricks. To unlock and ac...
Angry Birds Space Premium Available on Google Play 6 May 2012 | 07:56 pm
Tired of Playing Old Angry Birds No Problem Angry Birds Developers Rovio Mobile Limited keep updated the game with new level and feature’s. Recent last release “Angry Birds Space Premium”. After a gi...
Angry Birds Arrive on BlackBerry Playbook 21 Dec 2011 | 02:00 pm
Angry Birds has been just about everywhere it seems. We’ve seen it on iOS, Android, Google Chrome and on packages of Wonderful Pistachios. The BlackBerry PlayBook is one of the only places we haven’t ...
Angry Birds Facebook’ta 16 Feb 2012 | 11:28 am
Angry Birds mobil platformda beklendiğinden daha fazla ilgi gördü ve en popüler oyunlar arasında yerini aldı. Daha sonra oyunun Google Chrome versiyonu da yayınlandı. Web versiyonunda da yine çok ilgi...
Download Angry Birds 5 Feb 2012 | 09:01 am
Play Angry Birds with your pc. Download Angry Birds for Chrome Have a nice playing! View full post on Facebook’s Games : cheats, tips and tricks for Bola soccer, Pet Society, Biotronic and much m.....