Most google middle earth map related news are at:

620 - Paleo by Comparison: the Million-Year-Old Map 23 Aug 2013 | 12:09 pm
Cartography is an ancient urge. Humans made maps long before they invented writing. But whereas the origin of the written word can be pinpointed with some certainty to the Middle East at the end of t....
619 - Is Ulster Doomed? Scenarios for Repartition 15 Aug 2013 | 05:55 am
To condemn the riots that rocked Belfast last Friday as "shameful", as the British Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Theresa Villiers has done, fails to address the two conflicting impressions t...
More google middle earth map related news:
The Retaking Of Minas Tirith by iraqiwomen (original) (1) [Battle for Middle Earth Maps] 7 Feb 2010 | 03:25 am
Devolper:IRAQIWOMEN A three player map set in alternate middle earth where the rohirrum and army of the dead did not come to the aid of Gondor during the siege of Minas Tirith. Now the white city ha...
Defence Of Gondor V4 (4.0) [Battle for Middle Earth Maps] 31 Jan 2010 | 12:10 am
This is 4th version of DOG. We made some changes in Minas Tirith, Osgiliath and attack waves. Changes: -small gates removed in Minas Tirith -Osgiliath looks better -elves removed from Rohan army. ...
GIS-LAB News #58 19-Jun-2007 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Немного про R и про данные используемые Google в Earth/Maps. [Вопросы-ответы] Возможности работы с пространственными данными статистического пакета R Схема покрытия данными сверхвысокого разрешения п...
Google clears key mapping software for Syria 24 May 2012 | 10:31 am
Google announced Wednesday that its mapping software and other products would be available in Syria after getting export approval by the U.S. government. The Internet giant said Google Earth would be...
Greenfield City Run 21k – Google Earth Map 4 Apr 2009 | 07:37 pm
After missing the much anticipated Condura Run for the Whale Sharks (my supposed 21k debut) due to work, I just had to join this race. Being used to running in the Metro, running an unfamiliar course...
World In Conflict (BETA) [Battle for Middle Earth 2: ROTWK Maps] 10 Feb 2010 | 07:27 am
Since this is my first map I have ever published i hope that you will be lenient judging my work which i have to say is a bit careless . --------------------------------------------------------------...
Legends Full (Full Map) [Battle for Middle Earth 2 Maps] 2 Feb 2010 | 09:42 am
THE STORY: The Dread Shadowmage, Raselas, has gathered an army to destroy what remains of the ancient Three Wills, and conquer all who oppose him. New heroes will rise and stand against the forces of...
Legends Part 3 (Part 3) [Battle for Middle Earth 2 Maps] 2 Feb 2010 | 09:37 am
THE STORY: The Dread Shadowmage, Raselas, has gathered an army to destroy what remains of the ancient Three Wills, and conquer all who oppose him. New heroes will rise and stand against the forces of...
Legends Part 2 (Part 2) [Battle for Middle Earth 2 Maps] 2 Feb 2010 | 08:45 am
THE STORY: The Dread Shadowmage, Raselas, has gathered an army to destroy what remains of the ancient Three Wills, and conquer all who oppose him. New heroes will rise and stand against the forces of...
Legends Part 1 (Part 1) [Battle for Middle Earth 2 Maps] 2 Feb 2010 | 08:43 am
THE STORY: The Dread Shadowmage, Raselas, has gathered an army to destroy what remains of the ancient Three Wills, and conquer all who oppose him. New heroes will rise and stand against the forces of...