Most google password manager related news are at:

GaesteBin: a secure pastebin for Google App Engine 23 Oct 2012 | 09:21 am
TL;DR: gaestebin is a private, secure, open source pastebin for Google App Engine. Pastebins are incredibly useful. But most of the public pastebins are not suitable for sharing within a company (thin...
Google Nexus7: First Impressions 19 Jul 2012 | 09:16 am
I only got my Nexus 7 yesterday so this is not meant to be an in-depth review driven based on days of experience. Take what I say with a grain of salt, but like they say, first impressions are last … ...
More google password manager related news:
LastPass – An Excellent Online Identity Management Tool 9 Mar 2010 | 03:47 pm
LastPass is a high-quality online password manager for all popular web browsers. It lets you toggle between multiple online identities and brands (personal, business, client #1, client #2) at the clic...
Password Managers Relieve Password Headaches 1 Feb 2012 | 08:44 am
Passwords Are a Hassle I’ll be the first to admit I can’t remember all my passwords. Most of us can’t, so we pick a few passwords that are easy to remember and then use them with multiple sites. This...
Google Modifying Keyword Quality Based on Commerciality 10 May 2006 | 08:35 pm
Google is modifying the way they define keyword quality by considering the ‘commerciality’ of the keyword. In a recent interview a Google product manager suggested that Google will deliver more impres...
Going Google Free 2 Oct 2011 | 03:51 am
I’ve talked about getting rid of all my free Google services before, but this time I’m serious. The only exception will be Google Affiliate Manager, which forces me to keep an Adsense account open (re...
Google's Management Doesn't Use Google+ 4 Oct 2011 | 11:48 pm
Management caring deeply about their company’s products and using them every day is almost always a prerequisite of making great products. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg really does use Facebook all day...
BetterCloud Gets Funding For Better Google Apps Management Security 12 May 2012 | 07:15 am
Google Apps Marketplace BetterCloud acquired $2.2 in funds for the purpose of developing better management and security tools for Google Apps. BetterCloud launched a beta version of their Google Apps...
Password Manager 28 Nov 2009 | 06:34 am
One tool that can make your life a lot easier can be found at Robeform is absolutely free and comes free of any Adware or Spyware. Roboform is a Password Manager / Web Form Filler that...
How Password Manager Software Helps You Secure Your Personal Accounts 29 May 2012 | 06:02 am
Password is what most people use when they want to protect confidential data that they store locally at their computer or online at any file repository or file storage websites. Password is also used ...
RoboForm (FREE) 28 Mar 2012 | 09:29 pm
Robofrom is one of the most popular Password Manager through which you can protect your privacy online.It has many features which makes it easier to use and simple.Just take a look at following featur...
LastPass (FREE) 28 Mar 2012 | 01:15 am
LastPass for 64-Bit windows LastPass is a password manager enable your web browsing easier and more secure for all majour browsers as Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome.Just only remember ....