Most google weather api php related news are at:

Google Adsense A/B testing 5 Jun 2013 | 12:57 am
The recently published adjustments to Google Adsense policies allows for certain adjustments of the Adsense Javascript code. One of the new things available is A/B testing of different ad unit ... R...
Google Adsense A/B testing 5 Jun 2013 | 12:57 am
The recently published adjustments to Google Adsense policies allows for certain adjustments of the Adsense Javascript code. One of the new things available is A/B testing of different ad unit ... R...
More google weather api php related news:
Google Weather API for website 16 Jul 2011 | 12:08 am
On some websites you can get a weather widget for your website. Often you can’t customize the design of the wigets and possibly you have ads in the weather widget. Google provides a interface which is...
Tutorial: Wetter auf eigener Website mit Google Weather API 11 Sep 2009 | 10:00 am
Einige Wetter-Websites bieten Webmastern ein Wetter-Widget an, das diese auf ihrer Homepage integrieren können. Allerdings hat man darüber keine Gestaltungsfreiheit und muss gegebenenfalls unschöne We...
Weather Geocoder with Google Maps and Google Weather API 27 Feb 2012 | 04:02 pm
I got tired of searching locations on weather reporting websites to get instant updates, so I thought of building an instant weather reporting application which would give me information for any locat...
Open Weather Map API: Ein Beispiel in PHP 16 Nov 2012 | 04:07 pm
In einem früheren Post habe ich nach Alternativen für eine Wetter-API gesucht und eine kleine Liste der Anbieter zusammengestellt. Der Grund war die Abschaltung der Google Weather API. Weil ein Leser ...
Display List of Sites From Google Analytics API 28 Nov 2012 | 01:55 am
PHP Code snippet to Display List of Sites From Google Analytics API. Also see: Display Stats From Specific Project using Google Analytics API The Script setAccessType('online'); // default: offline $c...
google map api php 获取 地址坐标 27 Jun 2013 | 01:35 pm
写这篇博客,是想分析一下,大众点评,搜房网地图实现原理,以及,找附近的房子,找附近的美食等是怎么实现的。看了这篇博客,你就会明白了。 一,原理分析 1,录入地址,不管是美食店,还是小区都是有地址。 2,根据地址,通过google map api获取地址的坐标,存到数据库中。 3,在地图上显示时,只要根据坐标,在地图上标出来行。 4,如果要找附近的美食,房子啊,通过算存在数据库中的坐标就可...
Texte übersetzen mit PHP und der Google Translator API 10 Jul 2011 | 01:54 am
Mit der folgenden Funktion kann man Wörter und Texte, mit PHP und der Hilfe der Google Translator API, von einer Sprache in eine andere Sprache übersetzen. <?php /** * Translate text * @param string $...
Ontario Competitiveness Dashboard 4 Jun 2011 | 06:40 am
Recently we built the Ontario Competitiveness Dashboard on behave of the Certified Management Accountants (CMA). Please check it here The tools we used are: PHP and MySql Google Chart API For the ...
Google Chart PHP Library 0.4 15 May 2010 | 08:20 pm
I released a new version of my PHP library for Google Chart API. Remember it’s still in heavy development (well, depending on my free time and my motivation, so “heavy” is relative), therefore don’t e...
Announcing GoogleChart PHP library 0.3 29 Apr 2010 | 03:02 am
I’ve been playing around a lot with Google Chart API lately, mainly for fun to draw some charts based on my profile ( provides a very nice API). Google Chart API is very powerful, but q...