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More größe cd inlay related news:
New Print Categories have been added. 21 May 2012 | 08:53 am
We have just expanded our service line and can now fulfill the following print jobs. 4-D Lenticular Prints, Aquafoil, Booklets, Bookmarks, Business Cards, Catalogs, CD Covers, CD Inlays, CD Sleeves, C...
Design tips for CD inlay printing 24 Oct 2011 | 10:48 pm
This little piece of paper is the most misunderstood template in CD printing. To be honest even CD printers call it by different names, the two most popular being “CD Inlay” and “tray card...
U&C Boogie-Woogie 5 Jul 2011 | 07:52 pm
Création de la pochette, inlay et label du CD de U&C Boogie-Woogie, en live au festival Rive Jazzy de Nyon en 2010. Après un premier album en duo, « Piano Four Hands » sorti en 2008, Urs & Christine ...