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The Orthodox and Greek Catholic Church art collection of the 15th – 19th century. 15 Feb 2012 | 10:10 pm
Subcarpathian is the unique region both for its scenic and historical value. When in 1340 AD the Orthodox Red Ruthenia, called also Subcarpathian, was incorporated into territory of The Polish Kingdom...
The Orthodox and Greek Catholic Church art collection of the 15th – 19th century. 15 Feb 2012 | 05:10 pm
Subcarpathian is the unique region both for its scenic and historical value. When in 1340 AD the Orthodox Red Ruthenia, called also Subcarpathian, was incorporated into territory of The Polish Kingdom...
Melkite Greek Catholic Eparch Nicholas Samra Visits Our Lady of Perpetual Help 6 Jun 2013 | 06:02 pm
The Melkite Greek Catholic Eparch, Bishop Nicholas Samra, was in town this week to do some teaching for this year's class of Melkite Deacon Candidates. While here on Sunday, June 2, 2013, he con-cele...
Fatima Centre - good or bad Catholic org? 27 Aug 2013 | 05:22 pm
Is this just a case of CBC (Canada state broadcaster, typical leftist and Catholic-bashers) or is Fatima really "anti-jew?" The Fatima Centre is...
You report: Latin Mass & Byzantine Liturgy in the Saint Olaf Pilgrimage, Russia 24 Aug 2013 | 06:05 am
A truly biritual affair: the Latin Mass community of Moscow and the Greek Catholic Parish of Sts. Cyril and Methodius of Saint Petersburg. The report was sent by a Russian reader. July 28 is the day ...
Is Melissa The St. Patrick Of Irvine? 26 Aug 2013 | 01:41 am
Did St. Patrick banish snakes from Ireland? says no, but it’s still a pretty good story. So is the story of my cousin, Melissa Fox. Today she banished all snakes (at least the one we saw)...
Papež František: „ateisté, kteří činí dobro, mohou do nebe“ 26 May 2013 | 11:01 am a – 24. 5. 2013 Papež František ve středu prohlásil, že všichni lidé, nejen Katolíci, jsou zachráněni skrze Ježíše, včetně ateistů. Huffingtonpost dokonce píše, že „pap...
Address From President of Canada's Bishops to Ukrainian Greek Catholic Synod | ZENIT - The World Seen From Rome 23 Aug 2013 | 03:46 am
Address From President of Canada's Bishops to Ukrainian Greek Catholic Synod | ZENIT - The World Seen From Rome Here is an address by the president of the bishops of Canada, Archbishop Richard Smith ...
The Crisis in Syria and the Humanitarian Aid Challenge 11 Aug 2013 | 08:59 am
Ain Traz Meeting hosted by Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregorios III 1-2 August 2013 Representatives of Aid to the Church in Need, Caritas, Cor Unum, the Good Shepherd Sisters and other charita...
Austria: Melkite Patriarch on Visit 24 Jul 2013 | 02:19 am
Austria: Melkite Patriarch on visit On Thursday 18 July 2013 the head of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church, Patriarch Gregorios III Laham, resident in Damascus, visited the monastery of St. Florian i...