Most guild wars runner class related news are at:

Aug 19, Whats going on? 20 Aug 2013 | 01:04 am
once again I have fallen off the face of the planet, But have returned. Few projects been working on. Coming up soon is the GW2 Year end review. been working on a Zazzle Store With some Silly things t...
Jul 20, Killing Floor Montage 21 Jul 2013 | 02:15 am
While i am a big MMO Gamer I do like playing Casual games. I am however not a big fan of FIRST PERSON SHOOTERS, However if you have a friend to play with or against then they can sometimes be fun. her...
More guild wars runner class related news: 20 May 2011 | 01:08 pm
Ha! Next Guild Wars 2 class is the Engineer. I totally called it o yeah~ Also another GW2 youtube. Nice summary of the game so far. I do disagree with one of his points- the fact that it's good they...
GW2 Professions Guide 21 Aug 2012 | 06:36 am
In Guild Wars 2 classes are in fact called professions. There are eight different ones, each with their own unique set of abilities, mechanics, attacks, play style and roles. The profession you choose...
New Column - Deuces Wild - The Warrior 31 Dec 2010 | 05:39 am
From Cydoc's Deuces Wild column The Warrior is quite possibly the coolest looking class thus far in Guild Wars 2. The mighty Warrior is a class...
Guild Wars 2 Tips – Downed state and death 14 May 2012 | 01:36 am
In GW2 , when you’re defeated with a monster, you don’t die right away. Instead, you enter a downed state and are given 4 abilities depending on your class (the 4th ability, Bandage, is shared between...
Un outil dédié aux combos par 25 Jul 2012 | 03:34 am
Si tous les combos possibles entre les différentes classes de Guild Wars 2 vous font tourner la tête, le site propose un outil spécialement conçu pour découvrir et apprendre toutes ces c...
Guild Wars 2 Hands-On 11 Aug 2012 | 04:18 am
Guild Wars 2 defines the future of online roleplaying games with action-oriented combat, customized personal storylines, epic dynamic events, world-class PvP, and no subscription fees!
Soares war 79 (accepté) 11 Dec 2008 | 08:28 pm
I. World of Warcraft 1- Pseudo : soares 2- Race / Classe / Niveau : elfe war 79 3- Spécialisation et Template : spe fury 4- Historique du perso principal (anciennes guildes) : a demander a kala tr...