Most hacker fb related news are at:

3 Alasan kenapa suatu keluarga banyak Anak 5 May 2012 | 11:23 pm
Kali ini saya mau ngeshare tentang beberapa hal yang berhubungan dengan keluarga. Sekedar memberi informasi ya. Didalam sebuah keluarga yang sempurna, terdapat sepasang Suami Istri yang kelak “Harus” ...
Lama vakum, langsung Kampanye 2 May 2012 | 11:25 pm
Setelah sekian lama vakum buat postingan di blog karena banyak kegiatan di dunia nyata *modeling, syuting, and just kidding -__-,* akhir nya saya bisa ngeposting lagi, ya akhir nya!!! selain memang ja...
More hacker fb related news:
SearchGuild Acquired By SEONews 28 Jan 2008 | 12:46 pm
Welcome Search Guilders! SearchGuild has been acquired by SEONews. I was personally a daily poster @ SG, and I was disappointed when SG was taken down because of hackers and inept hosting. Neverthel...
Plugin WordPress Facebook Like : WP FB Like this 27 Apr 2010 | 03:36 am
Facebook a annoncé la semaine dernière l’évolution de son fameux bouton « J’aime » / « I like ». Effectivement, cette option était jusqu’à présent disponible uniquement sur la plateforme.
Warning: Facebook Fan Check Virus 8 Sep 2009 | 05:29 am
Social networking hotspots like Twitter and Facebook lately have been used by hackers as a launchpad to spread malware. Just few days ago, this particular app, Fan Check has been a hot app among my......
This is why we can’t have nice things, part 2 22 Oct 2011 | 05:47 am
On the heels of my previous post This is why we can’t have nice things, we’ve had a another incident with hackers/malicious software. According to my host, exploiters found a way to exploit the WebMin...
Berbagi File Txt Istilah Hukum Inggris-Indonesia dan Sebaliknya 28 Jun 2011 | 05:19 pm
Senin kemarin, di Grup FB HPI, Tante Indra Blanquita berbagi dokumen Legal Term Translation yang isinya: Siapa tahu bermanfaat bagi teman-teman yg membutuhkan .. terutama yg sedang mempersiapkan diri ...
ASAH, ASIH, ASUH – DON’T WORRY BE HPI 30 May 2011 | 08:10 am
Saya tetap tak habis-habisnya takjub .. dan ini sudah sering saya tulis di status FB saya .... betapa saya kagum pada rekan-rekan penerjemah yang bergabung di HPI dan Bahtera. Imitates Apple’s Status! iPad 2 Jailbreak is Closer than Ever 5 Jul 2011 | 09:01 pm
Hacker Comex has updated the site, in the same way Apple do for its online store... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
Facebook Video İndirme Servisi 20 Mar 2010 | 08:08 am
Facebook'da paylaşılan videoları indirmek istediğiniz zamanlar olmuştur. Tanıtacağımız bu faydalı site işte bu işe yarıyor. Bahsettiğimiz sitenin adı FB Video İndir(, fb'nin anlamı bi...
We Stopped using free hosting... 11 Apr 2010 | 07:34 am
As you know we were using free hosting by myhost. After few months they put some fake files (or may be some hackers did) and told us we did something wrong. We decided to stop using them and continue ...
Lajkajte Soul Calibur V na FB da doznamo sve likove 12 May 2011 | 10:58 pm
Na svojoj Level Up press konferenciji, Namco Bandai je najavio izlazak petog nastavka svoje borilačke franšize Soul Calibur. Igra je prvotno najavljena službenom stranicom koja je prikazivala samo…