Most happy belated birthday related news are at:

19.07.2012 - wie aus einem Guss 20 Jul 2012 | 12:19 am
wie aus einem Guss flawless completely rounded
19.06.2012 - Raus, alle miteinander! 19 Jun 2012 | 10:16 pm
Raus, alle miteinander! Get out, the lot of you! Sind sie miteinander verbandelt? Are they an item? Zwingen wir ihn, Farbe zu bekennen Let's call his bluff Gib Deinem Leben Farbe! Colour your life!...
More happy belated birthday related news:
Happy Belated Birthday to my blog! 29 Oct 2011 | 09:20 am
I forgot my blog's birthday was October 25th. Since it is the 28th, now its a belated birthday. Also, the blog is nearing 6000 pageviews! A Double Whammy!
Birthday =) June~ 26 Jun 2009 | 05:47 am
few hours ago...was Black Ghost aka KenBoon's birthday... happy 19!! whopps i mean 20 =D and happy belated birthday to Ku Shin Ying, went to her house last friday and gave her a suprise visit!!!and ha...
Originate of 逆风 18 Jun 2009 | 08:42 pm
lolz!! chong keat is enjoying every single day!!! =D *SMILE* oh yea,yesterday was CHEE PIK YU AKA YEE PIK CHEE's birthday...happy belated birthday!! may ur wish come true always..faster pak tor la xD... 4 Oct 2009 | 09:36 am
Happy Belated Birthday to ME!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! i'm here again!!! love you lots la Jeremy Ong!!! =D can't wait to be back and bully you again! teehee! seafood!! camerons! penang!! plan plan plan...
Happy Belated Birthday Danish Irfan 5 Mar 2011 | 03:53 pm
Rasa cm baru lagi g putrajaya celebrate danish ahad lepas. Ni da nk jumpa ahad balik dah. Cepatnya masa berlalu. Cepat sgt. Aiysh baru nk rembat pic kt fb akak malangnya secure sgt. Da xleh nk grab s...
~~Happy Belated Birthday~~ 11 Jan 2009 | 04:27 pm
Salam rindu buat teman blog suma.. ochie harapkan suma dalam keadaan sihat walafiat hendaknya.. masa aku tengah nulis entry ni.. aku tengah menahan sakit.. sakit apa?? sakit pompuan.. hheheh Ikutkan n...
wELcOMe 2012 & HappY bELAtED birTHday To My Hubby 25 Jan 2012 | 06:34 pm
Salam semua. Sudah terlalu lame rasenya sy tak update blog nie..aduyai rindunye nk menulis semula.. Rasenye dah hampir 2tahun tak update blog..Apepun sy still ingat pd blog kesayangan sy nie..klu dulu...
Happy Belated Birthday Abang!! 5 Oct 2009 | 07:56 pm
" Happy beday to U, Happy beday to U, Happy Beday Ayyaaaahhh, Happy Beday to U.... " ekceli sebenarnya abang nye beday 1/10...sowi abang sbb lmbt update, tp wish tetap on time kan lal...
Happy Belated Birthday Kak Sue 5 Jul 2011 | 02:30 pm
Ini merupakan hadiah harijadi yang sempat dibuat dari kain felt sempena hari lahir k.sue. Selamat Hari Lahir...Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki...
Sick Muse 10 May 2010 | 07:07 pm
Again with the post title snagged from whatever was playing in winamp. ON BIRTHDAY WISHES Happy (belated) Birthday Krizzlybear! I recently realized that last time I raided frost, my DPS was somewha...