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Headache…ugh 27 Aug 2013 | 07:28 am
Headache…ugh Tonight I’m not up to much. The U.S. Open tennis tournament is on. I’m enjoying it. I went to my parents for a couple of days and had a nice time. Right now, though, my head is throbbi...
One of My Hobbies…Photography 26 Aug 2013 | 08:08 am
There are many things I love. One of the hobbies near the top is photography. It is extraordinarily satisfying to capture an image I like. Today, as Dad and I were getting in the car to go golfing, I...
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A Few More Bookings 21 Aug 2013 | 08:03 am
Another good marketing day. I’ve three sales booked now, including one I just paid for with, who are the group that did so well in selling the first Henry Wood Detective Agency earl...
‘Henry Wood Detective Agency’ Is Solid Entertainment 27 Aug 2013 | 05:31 am
From time to time, I review a novel and tell you that I admired the writing, but did not like the book, either because of the characters or the values, or just the author’s attitude. Henry Wood Detec...