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Hong Kong MTR Route Map and fare inquiry 19 Apr 2012 | 03:50 pm
If you want to have a trip to Hong Kong, you need this one. Hong Kong MTR Route Map
港鐵: 「站站獎」積分計劃(30/4-31/7) 12 May 2012 | 11:56 pm 會員賺分最多積分王,免費獨享港鐵車票100張! 鐵路+車站商店+港鐵商場 積分聯賞! 透過車站商店或港鐵商場賺取積分的會員,需於8月7日前透過網站或「e分鐘著數」機登入會員賬戶,輸入積分卡/收據上的密碼兌換積分!在一般情況下,成功輸入密碼後,...
Hong Kong MTR Route Map and fare inquiry 19 Apr 2012 | 11:52 am
If you want to have a trip to Hong Kong, you need this one. Hong Kong MTR Route Map
15. HK Kreisstadtlauf 9 May 2013 | 10:43 pm
Mein erstes Mal auf so nem ganz offiziellen Volkslauf. - man war ich nervös vorher - man war es ab Kilometer 6 anstregend - man hat es Spaß gemacht ;-) [map style="width: auto; height:350px; margin:20...
香港街街道及地名錄2013 18 Jul 2013 | 12:08 am
原來地政總署已推出了2013版的《香港街》,並命名為《香港街街道及地名錄2013》(下稱「香港街」),不過因為逛過的書店都沒有售賣,而地圖銷售處的辦公時間也和我的上班時間相若,因此一直都沒有機會看到,如非在書展的地政總署攤位看到,我都不知道原來地政總署早於三月推出了香港街。 相關新聞:
Chee Cheong Fun from Maxim's in HK 21 Aug 2013 | 05:26 am
I needed some food to sit in my belly this morning when I noticed a bunch of fast food stalls at the MTR station busy serving local food to commuters. I basically just followed the person in front of ...
A Journey to Hong Kong Day 2 : Madame Tussauds , Spaghetti 360 and Tai Thong Bakery at the Peak Galleria 16 Aug 2013 | 06:30 pm
Click in if you havent read my Journey to Hong Kong Day 2 Part 1. After a huge mistake in taking bus, we finally took the MTR and back to Admiralty station. From there, we used google map again to na...