Most hong kong trip 2011 blogspot related news are at:

Meeting up with Irene! 24 Aug 2013 | 01:35 pm
Yay! Finally met up with Irene weeks back! It's been so super long since I last saw her, I think it was like.... 4-5 years back???? Wtf. If you guys started reading my blog since my polys days, you w...
Just some highlights on my hair 17 Aug 2013 | 08:50 pm
Went to do touch up my hair to a lighter shade of brown with some highlights and also for a hair cut over at CLEO Hair & Make which is located at PARCO Marina Bay (opposite Marina Square)! And I must ...
More hong kong trip 2011 blogspot related news:
Asia 2011 - Hong Kong 香港 16 Aug 2011 | 08:53 pm
My month long trip to Asia actually started in mid-April. I meant to post sooner but have just been busy...:D. Better late then never right? Here it is, first stop Hong Kong! A few pictures of the...
Shopping Vacation 2011 29 Nov 2011 | 05:25 am
Hey guys! I would be away for my shopping vacation to.... HONG KONG! :D Take good care of yourselves, and have fun in Singapore while i bring to you Hong Kong after my trip back! Lots of love, Theo...
經營大排檔 Dai Pai Dong 17 Apr 2012 | 06:48 pm
A Hong Kong style restaurant 經營大排檔,大排檔經營海鮮飲料,客人好多啊! 相關文章:你看完這短片你就知道什麼後生可畏(神人) Dai Pai Dong 用神人來稱呼片中的人一點都不誇張,他的年紀,竟然可以如此地熟悉這些動作,不是一般人能做到的(從片中可看到,...
Hong Kong: Ibis Hotel revisited. 18 Jun 2013 | 07:00 pm
The last time I stayed at the Ibis Hotel in Northpoint, Hong Kong, was in January 2011. On a trip to Hong Kong this month, I stayed at the same hotel and was given a room on the 31st floor, the highes...