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Tree House to open 16 centres by December 16 Nov 2011 | 11:10 pm
Tree House Education and Accessories Limited, the provider of educational services in India and operator of self-operated pre-schools in the country, plans to open 16 new centres by December 2011. The...
Slowdown forces PE to defer investment proposals in India 16 Nov 2011 | 11:09 pm
Private equity firms are deferring investment plans in India or bargaining for a bigger pie of the business citing global economic slowdown and growing uncertainty in domestic markets. “A lot of inves...
More hospital nurse pictures related news:
Nursing 4 Dec 2011 | 04:16 pm
Warning - nursing pictures to follow! When I was still pregnant with my baby girl 6 years ago, I was talking one day to a friend who had 4 children. I told her that I was a little sad because once I ...
Boundary Wall of Hamad Hospital Nurse’s Accomodation 20 Apr 2012 | 04:57 pm
At the Hospital - First Pictures 24 Oct 2010 | 05:34 pm
On Sept. 12, 2010 Emillia Rayne Beeson was born at 2:19pm First pictures of Emillia Me and Emillia In the hospital My baby
CNA Jobs in Central Florida 6 Feb 2011 | 09:26 am
A Certified Nursing Assistant fulfills the need of patient care in hospitals, nursing homes, or clinics where nurses may be assigned to 12 or more patients. A CNA can assist patients with their basic ...
What is a Scrub? 5 Apr 2011 | 08:44 pm
The crisp white nurse uniform and caps are the norms of ice age and as time change, so does the clothing worn by medical professionals. Nowadays, seldom you see and find hospitals, nursing facilities ...
How to Become a CNA in the UK 28 Sep 2011 | 11:07 pm
A CNA, or Certified Nursing Assistant, is someone that has been through training in order to work in a supporting role of a nursing staff. There are positions for CNAs in hospitals, nursing homes, doc...
Knowledge on CNA Training program 25 May 2011 | 09:23 pm
Knowledge on CNA Training program If it is you desire to work in a hospital, nursing home or hospital, you are required to obtain CNA Certification by completing CNA Training program and by passing c...
Medical Assistant Salary Guide 29 Dec 2010 | 08:39 am
Medical assistant jobs are one of the fastest growing occupations in the nation. Demand is high because hospitals, nursing homes and other medical facilities are struggling to cope with the needs of ...
Is it Manageable to be a Nurse and an Entrepreneur? 25 Apr 2010 | 07:25 am
Nurses can be entrepreneurs, as well. Apart from tendering their servicing to hospitals, nurses can likewise work for nursing homes, private care and doctor offices. Skills, knowledge, and drive are j...
Occupational Therapist Schools 14 Apr 2012 | 06:01 pm
Occupational therapists operate in settings such as hospitals, nursing facilities, treatment centers, schools, childcare centers and also in certain establishments run by the federal government. The o...