Most hymn goddess nyx related news are at:
– Memories Of Pain And Light | I wonder if this is how Marsayas felt?
Niobe: More Than an Invented Cautionary Tale? 25 Apr 2011 | 06:11 am
I was checking out the Tapestry of Bronze website to see which Olympian god their current poetry contest is dedicated, and wouldn’t you know, it’s Apollo. (For anyone interested, the deadline is April...
You Want One Of These Too 19 Apr 2011 | 12:00 am
Breaking radio silence here to post pictures of the doll that I commissioned from my friend Beth, who makes these amazing spirit dolls based on a combination of description from the person commissioni...
More hymn goddess nyx related news:
Adventure on the High C's 19 Mar 2013 | 06:02 pm
Isis was, perhaps, the greatest of all the "Love Goddesses", and she is linked with other "Love Goddesses", including Hathor, Astarte, Ishtar, and Inanna, to name but a few. The Oxyrhinehus hymn ment...
ATLANTEAN KODEX: Video veröffentlicht 26 Aug 2013 | 06:45 pm
'Sol Invictus' lautet der Titel einer Hymne des kommenden ATLANTEAN KODEX Albums "The White Goddess", welches am 4. Oktober veröff...