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Kurangi resiko kanker usus dengan mengonsumsi makanan serat tinggi 14 May 2012 | 05:20 pm
Para peneliti, termasuk ahli dari Imperial College London dan University of Leeds, meneliti hasil penelitiansebelumnya yang melibatkan hampir dua juta orang. Dari hasil penelitian, mereka menemukan hu...
Many West African countries have high unemployment rates of up to 70 to 80 percent 22 Apr 2012 | 10:54 am
Now, Im not saying you cant be successful with these things. Entrepreneurs, as a group, want to architect and control their own destinies. Sue Birley, Imperial College Management School Professor of E...
Message from CEO 6 Apr 2010 | 02:31 am
Greetings to all our current and prospective students from the Governing Council, Staff and Management of Imperial College of Technology and Management (ICTM).Motto of our college is striving for exce...
سلام مدتی نیستم 21 Jun 2008 | 05:46 pm
برای مدتی به imperial college می رم سلام به همه دوستان من حدود 2 ماه به imperial college لندن خواهم رفت برای اتمام تحصیلاتم - ممکن هست مدتی نتوانم به روز کنم - عذر من را بپذیرید 31 Dec 2010 | 10:29 am
Posted by : Tempoyaker, November 29 2010, label : Science, Tekhnologi 'Jubah Ruang-Waktu' untuk Menyembunyikan Peristiwa Sebuah studi yang dilakukan oleh peneliti dari Imperial College London mengem...
'Jubah Ruang-Waktu' untuk Menyembunyikan Peristiwa 18 Nov 2010 | 08:45 am
Sebuah studi yang dilakukan oleh peneliti dari Imperial College London mengembangkan satu lagi klasifikasi baru dari materi yaitu "metamaterials", yang dapat direkayasa secara artifisial untuk "membel...
ΜΕ ΧΡΗΣΗ ΑΙΣΘΗΤΗΡΩΝ ΟΠΤΙΚΩΝ ΙΝΩΝ Ευάγγελος Αστρεινίδης, Δρ. Πολιτικός Μηχανικός, PhD Imperial College Ο σκοπός αυτού του άρθρου είναι να καταδείξει την μεγάλη αξία των σύγχρονων μεθόδων ενόργανης πα...
Market Alert: Coming Soon – The Invisibility Cloak 14 Nov 2009 | 09:57 pm
Invisibility cloak? Am I mentioning something that isn’t real, and is impossible to possess? According to scientists and researchers at Imperial College of Science and Technology (London), such a garm...
Νokia. Εταιρεία ή Πόλη; 8 Aug 2012 | 04:33 pm
[Editor's Note: Ακολουθεί ένα guest post από τον Αντρέα Παντελή (@apanteli). Ο Αντρέας γεννήθηκε στην Λάρνακα. Είναι υποψήφιος μεταπτυχιακός φοιτητής του Imperial College London, στο MSc Innovation, E...
Imperial College MSc Student Blogs 27 Nov 2012 | 06:00 pm
As one might have been able to tell from the long-lasting silence on this blog, I have been very busy with my studies lately. The workload increased significantly compared to the introductory Septembe...