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Avoiding Duplicate Content By Using 301 Redirect and Canonical Tags 6 Sep 2011 | 01:00 am
If you don’t already know what DC (Duplicate Content) is, please go Google it. Short described, the problem is that pages can be accessed from several URL’s, and the Search Engines don’t know which pa...
Canonical : Print canonical tag to your html header 1 Mar 2011 | 07:30 am
Say Goodbye "Duplicate Content" on Joomla! Canonical URL: the search engine friendly URL that you want the search engines to treat as authoritative. In other words, a canonical URL is the URL that y...
Canonical tag creates new legal cloaking possibilities 26 Dec 2008 | 03:41 am
Google, Yahoo and Live search have introduced a great new way to serve linkers different content than other visitors or search engines. Thanks to the rel=canonical tag the search engines are now suppo...
The Rel Canonical Tag is Not The Solution to Every Known URL Problem 24 Mar 2012 | 03:00 am
When Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft joined forces and endorsed the rel=canonical tag back in 2009 SEOs across the land jumped for joy. Rel canonical does fulfill a very useful purpose buying a site owne...
Cross-Domain Canonical Tag e as negociações comerciais envolvendo a busca orgânica 23 Dec 2009 | 06:23 am
철수의 SEO 일기 - Chapter 4.robots txt? Canonical tag? meta noindex? 이게 다 뭐죠? 19 Aug 2011 | 12:23 am
안녕하세요, 아티언스의 막내사원 철수입니다. 그동안 잘 지내셨나요? 저는 한동안 실무에 전념하며 열심히 내공을 쌓고 있었습니다. 아무래도 여러분에게 좋은 내용으로 다가가려면 아는 것도 많고, 실제로 경험한 것도 많아야 하겠죠? 오늘은, 그 동안 쌓은 내공을 바탕으로 크롤러를 컨트롤하는 방법에 대해 말씀드릴까 합니다. 그 동안 철수의 SEO 일기에서 .....
Cutts On Canonical Tags, Googlebot and Wikipedia 7 Mar 2011 | 11:21 am
Another short video on canonical tags. This time Matt Cutts approves the idea of using canonical tags on single review pages to a page with the full list of reviews. He does advise caution and says to...
Canonical tag: evitare i contenuti duplicati 6 Nov 2010 | 11:56 am
Vedremo in questo articolo analizzeremo il canonical tag dandone descrizione e modalità di utilizzo. Che cos’è il canonical tag? Il canonical tag è un meta tag che troviamo nell’intestazione html di...
Canonical Tag – HTTPs & HTTP content issues 17 Nov 2010 | 06:33 pm
HTTP & HTTPs duplicate content is still one of the most difficult one to solve for many of the webmasters. I do get queries regarding it. Last weak I helped another big SEO company solve this problem....
The Canonical Tag: An SEO- Friendly Tool for Split Testing 20 Jul 2010 | 12:30 pm
The Canonical Tag—A Useful Tool for Split Testing: Different from domain canonicalization is the “canonical” tag. Add this one to your SEO tool box as well. For other inside pages that you think may ...