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SEO-ing Twitter Tweets 17 Nov 2011 | 01:44 am
If you are looking forward to rank the search engine especially Google, then you can use Twitter Tweets for search engine optimization. You can surely take advantage of the tweets on the Google search...
Helollloooololl. :) 14 Jul 2011 | 10:31 pm
what a day today, best day of the week which is only one hour class :) hellyeahh, well done nothing muchh. Sitting front com fb-ing and just twitter. Right now, i already have new hairstyle, new l...
Seesmic(ing) Is Believing 5 Jan 2010 | 07:18 am
The rumors are true! We have been acquired by Seesmic! If you aren't familiar with Seesmic, they are the guys who have created an ensemble of fantastic Twitter apps. So what does this all mean? Well,...
Podcasting with LoMo and Boog 28 Oct 2011 | 07:31 am
Marlins OF/Twitter star Logan Morrison and ESPN broadcaster deluxe Jon “Boog” Sciambi (making his second JKP appearance) joined me on today’s show to discuss the World Series and other fun baseball st...
Herramienta para ganar dinero utilizando Twitter 13 Dec 2010 | 02:03 pm
Opciones y herramientas para ganar dinero en línea hay muchas, de todos los formatos y tomando como foco central diversas estrategias, pero hoy quiero hablarles de un nuevo producto creado por un inge...
#DownWithDrew – Drew Neemia causes outrage on Twitter. 4 Jan 2012 | 09:56 pm
Earlier this evening Drew Neemia called two teenage boys “f***ing pussies” and that he will “drop them” on his Twitter account after the two teenage boys tweeted him saying that his music label would ...
Why my f***ing awesome web app doesn’ t move forward ? 17 Jun 2009 | 07:01 am
Warning: strip_tags() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /var/www/php_apps/ on line 631 What prevents an application, like Twitter, of acqui...
Twitter like UI – Expand URL using PHP and Jquery 15 Oct 2010 | 06:30 pm
New Twitter interface with URL Expanding like Youtube Video Load/Image url load Here going to show you how to do the new twitter interface with New Twitter interface with URL Expanding like Youtu...
Seesmic(ing) Is Believing 5 Jan 2010 | 02:18 am
The rumors are true! We have been acquired by Seesmic! If you aren't familiar with Seesmic, they are the guys who have created an ensemble of fantastic Twitter apps. So what does this all mean? Well,...
When I saw myself DFMO-ing with a rando on the Vandy Makeouts Twitter 1 Oct 2012 | 02:21 am
I was like: