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Quem quer ficar mais inteligente? 9 Aug 2013 | 04:53 am
Acho que todo mundo quer. Ser mais rápido, mais preciso e criativo é o sonho de todos. Não só estudantes mas muitos profissionais de todas as áreas querem ser melhores do que são hoje. Nesta linha o L...
Pesquisa: Você concorda com os protestos da “Primavera Brasileira” 22 Jun 2013 | 08:45 pm
Estes dias escrevi o artigo Afinal, no que vai dar a “Primavera Brasileira”? agora nós do Blog do Vicente gostaríamos de saber sua opinião sobre o assunto. Baixe gratuitamente o seu mini e-book: Como ...
More instalando virtual box related news:
How to run Android 4.0.1 Ice Cream Sandwich inside Virtual box 24 Mar 2012 | 04:15 am
If you want to get a feel of latest Android 4.0 ICS without downloading a its sdk and creating avd. Long process, isn’t it? Now you can run Android 4.0 ICS inside virtual box on Windows. I am writing...
实践与共享:可打造单一可执行绿色软件的免费“绿色工具”Enigma Virtual Box 最新版本 16 Apr 2012 | 11:58 am
今天提供的是Enigma Virtual Box最新“绿色”中/英版:界面清晰,操作简便,可将多个文件封装到主程序,制作成为单一可执行绿色软件。支持所有类型的文件格式,包括动态链接库 (*.dll), ActiveX/COM (*.dll, *.ocx), 视频/音频文件 (*.avi, *.mp3), 文本文件 (*.txt, *.doc) 等。虚拟化后的软件不释放任何临时文件到您...
How to install a Windows XP virtual machine using a SATA controller in Virtual Box 19 Jun 2011 | 03:23 am
SATA controllers show better performance in comparison to the IDE ones, even in emulated environment like the Virtual Box's one. To create a VirtualBox virtual machine that uses an emulated SATA contr...
Migrando uma Maquina Virtual do wmware para o virtual box 4 Apr 2012 | 01:48 pm
Já faz algum tempo que eu utilizo o vmware, em casa por algum motivo não que desconheço ate o momento não consigo atualizá-lo mais. Read more →
Windows 8 Consumer Preview 5 Mar 2012 | 06:40 pm
Windows 8 Consumer Preview ထွက်နေတယ်လို့ ဒီတလောသိရပေမယ့် မစမ်းဖြစ်လိုက်ဘူး။ ဒီနေ့မနက် အချိန်ရတုန်းလေး Virtual Box မှာသွင်းပြီး စမ်းလိုက်တယ်။ 1GB memory share လုပ်ပြီး Virtual Box မှာသွင်းတာ သိပ်တောင်မ...
Script Autostart VirtualBox Machine di Ubuntu 3 Mar 2012 | 12:11 am
Ini adalah lanjutan dari proyek membuat pc-remote, yang didalemnya terdapat virtul box untuk menjalankan windows xp. Dan ternyata tulisan saya tentang autostart virtual box virtual machine (VM), tidak...
Windows 8 – Virtual Box – First Look 18 Sep 2011 | 04:01 am
So today I decided to install Windows 8 in my PC which is running Windows 7 x64. I want to install it as a guest operating system and hence I decided to use Virtual Box as I’m already using it for run...
Netkit 13 Nov 2008 | 05:20 pm
Ini nih, barang yg menemani malam” saya setiap hari.. hahaha.. Nungguin dy jalan lah.. Nungguin dy brenti lah.. kmrn ini jalanin netkit pake ubuntu di virtual box c, jd lemot pisan, hrs nunggu” sampe ...
VMware Workstation | Virtual පරිගණක සමඟ වැඩකිරීමට 3 Nov 2011 | 07:57 am
මා මීට පෙර ලිපියක Virtual Box සමඟින් Virtual පරිගණක කිහිපයක් සාදාගෙන කුඩා Virtual Network එකක් සාදාගන්න හැටි ඉදිරිපත් කළා. ඒ සඳහා යොදාගත්තෙ Virtual Box මෘදුකාංගය. නමුත් එය නොමිලේ ලබා නොදෙන නිසා ඒ ගැන ...
Virtual Networking අත්දැකීමක්. Virtual Box සමග Dual Monitor භාවිතයෙන්) 27 Aug 2011 | 08:28 am
මට මේ ලඟකදි Networking ගැන තිබුන දැනුම ටිකක් අලුත් කරගන්න හිතුන. විශේෂයෙන්ම Windows Server 2003 වල Active Directory, Users ල හදන හැටි, ඒ අයට Policies දෙන හැටි, Exchange Server, DHCP Server, වගෙ Domai...