Most install joomla on ubuntu related news are at:

Do you know the threat ranges? 22 Jul 2013 | 03:09 am
The content of this tiny case is trying to stand against the mighty Whaaaaagh! So while +Botond Gati was busy winning a WM/H tournament abroad, we did some sort of "relaxed" 40K gaming back home with...
Short trip to 40K 6 Jul 2013 | 03:02 am
Tonight's 1'000pts of Blood Angels. Every once in a while you get a weirt idea, e.g. playing 40K again after two years of playing WM/H exclusively, so this is how this blog gets an update again after...
More install joomla on ubuntu related news:
Install Wordpress Di Ubuntu :: Web'e Mas Nyoto 16 Mar 2012 | 05:28 am
Sekarang Mas Nyoto mau coba sharing cara install Wordpress pada Ubuntu. Sebenarnya cara install Wordpress pada Ubuntu tidak jauh beda dengan install Joomla pada Ubuntu yang pernah Mas Nyoto tulis pada...
Install Joomla 1.7 (Cpanel) - IPOWER Hosting 17 Apr 2012 | 06:08 pm
Install Putty in Ubuntu 12.04 16 May 2012 | 12:50 pm
I just have installed putty (can't live without it...) in my Ubuntu 12.04. You just need to run the following command: That's it!!!!!!
Install XMMS on Ubuntu 8.04 / 8.10 / 9.04 / 9.10 / 10.04 29 Apr 2010 | 08:24 pm
XMMS has been removed from the Ubuntu repositories, but some of us like to keep things 'Old Skool' and as lightweight as possible. This guide will show you how to install XMMS. Thanks go to Knut Auvo...
How to create a list of installed packages in Ubuntu / Debian 15 Aug 2008 | 08:26 pm
dpkg –get-selections
Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04 – Desktop Eye Candy 5 May 2010 | 11:37 pm
Bisigi project gives the coolest themes for Linux. Bisigi provides some of the best themes that I have installed in my Ubuntu box so far. These are some of my favourite Bisigi themes. Showtime Theme ...
How to install and run Ubuntu 12.04 LTS inside Virtualbox 24 Mar 2012 | 09:51 pm
Next desktop version of Ubuntu is 12.04(Precise Pangolin). It’s now in beta version and available to download at . If you are interested in finding out the taste of...
How do I install Joomla! 1.5? 11 Aug 2008 | 01:10 pm
Installing of Joomla! 1.5 is pretty easy. We assume you have set-up your Web site, and it is accessible with your browser. Download Joomla! 1.5, unzip it and upload/copy the files into the directory ...
Speed Dreams 2.0 released, here's how to install it on Ubuntu 28 Apr 2012 | 10:35 am
After months of development, the team Speed Dreams has recently released the new version 2.0 of the popular open source racing game for Linux. Speed Dreams 2.0 brings with it many new features: in...
Install LAMP on Ubuntu 12.04 (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) 1 Apr 2012 | 04:31 am
In this tutorial we will look at how to install Apache, MySQL, and PHP on an Ubuntu 12.04 system using the command line. This set of packages together is called a LAMP server or a LAMP stack. The LAMP...