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Design Principles for Mobile Search 13 Jan 2012 | 10:00 pm
Apple’s iOS Human Interface Guidelines, Google’s Android Design Guidlines, and others such as Luke Wroblewski’s Mobile First book provide valuable guidance for designing general mobile applications. Y...
Polish all the UI! 4 Jun 2013 | 06:43 pm
I've been watching a great set of threads roll by in my email related to a re-boot to the human interface guidelines used by the KDE community. The blog posts by Thomas and Björn explaining what they ...
iOS 7 Design Resources PDF 입니다. 11 Jun 2013 | 04:54 am
iOS7 UIKit User Interface Catalog iOS 7 UI Transition Guide iOS Human Interface Guidelines ps. 외부 링크 거실땐 반드시 댓글로 명시해주세요 --> 마이피플 트위터 페이스북 더보기 미투데이 'iOS' 카테고리의 다른 글 iOS Developer Library - What...
Balazs: KDE human interface guidelines: First steps 24 Aug 2013 | 12:51 am
On his blog, Björn Balazs writes about the recent effort to "reboot" the KDE human interface guidelines (HIG). There are three major sections in the HIG (structure, behavior, and presentation) and the...