Most ird gst related news are at:

Tax Hike for New Zealand’s Wealthy 27 Aug 2013 | 05:55 am
The Labour party could soon make a heavy push to hike taxes for the wealthy, if David Cunliffe comes to power. On August 27th David Cunliffe, one of the candidates for the leadership position of the ...
Fraudsters Stick To Fax Scams 5 Aug 2013 | 04:13 am
Some businesses have recently received faxes containing a fraudulent form designed to convince taxpayers to willingly provide confidential data to fraudsters. The IRD has issued a warning to taxpayer...
More ird gst related news:
A-CAM? CAM-ROD? WE-IRD? 22 Dec 2010 | 01:39 pm
I’m still amazed that Cameron Diaz and Alex Rodriguez are an “item”. Trippy stuff. Above on vay-cay in Mexico recently with A-Dad’s kids. And you know what is almost as trippy? A bald ape. Like...
Vajon mivel készülök holnapra? 14 Feb 2012 | 02:32 am
Hozzászólásod most 100.000 Forintot érhet! Ma mesés jutalom jár egy rövid hozzászólásodért: Írd meg a hozzászólásoknál, hogy szerinted mivel készülök Valentin napra Légy minél pontosabb a...
What Tax to Charge for Out of Province Shipped Goods 15 Sep 2010 | 03:17 am
If you buy only with Canada, from another province, the HST/GST rates are now different since July 1st, 2010. Online stores based on provinces (except QC) are required to charge the tax based on the ...
HST Coming to a Province Near You, on July 1st 14 Jun 2010 | 03:59 pm
For Ontario and British Columbia residents, we are going to have a uniform value-added tax HST on July 1st, 2010. By the government definition, Generally, GST/HST registrants must charge and account f...
Programmation éditoriale 2011 - semaine 41 12 Oct 2011 | 01:45 am
Programmation éditoriale prévisionnelle de pour la semaine du 10 au 16 octobre 2011 : Actualités – En bref : Irdes : évaluation du déremboursement des médicaments Etude périnatalité 2...
CPE Seminar on Budget 2012 20 Mar 2012 | 10:07 pm
Dear Professional Colleague Every Budget now is a stepping stone towards the Direct Tax code and GST. Most of the provisions are in that direction only. To understand the budget 2012 in a better persp... 24 Mar 2012 | 03:00 am
Még ma nyerjen Ön is a ruletten, úgy mint mások! Az első információk 11 240 340 HUF össznyereményről szólnak. Nyerj pénzt a ruletten ! (6000 - 20 000 HUF/nap) Nem hiszed? PRÓBÁLD KI! Itt írd le azt ...
RageCity needs your support 6 Jan 2011 | 11:27 pm
Happy New Year! iRage Paintball has been very generous in supporting and sponsoring us with a brand new 2011 race 2 field however we did not account for the additional costs of GST, shipping and duty...
5 dolog, amit webdesignerként azonnal meg kell tenned! 2 Jun 2011 | 06:20 am
Az emberek szeretnek dolgokat halasztani. Erről írtam egy cikket A halasztás művészete címmel, de ott nem tértem ki arra, hogy az ember a sürgős dolgokat csinálja meg és nem a fontosakat! Ezt írd le v...
gsf car parts 6 Oct 2011 | 10:11 pm
GST CAR PARTS – Multi nationwide stockist of car parts and accessories. Leading discount and replacement car part website. Gsf car parts review, contact details and local brand finder, GSF car parts ...