Most jakob nielsen usabilidade related news are at:

Webdesign responsivo e usabilidade 7 Aug 2012 | 08:04 pm
Com o surgimento dos diferentes tipos de dispositivos de acesso ao ambiente web, chegou-se ao conceito do webdesign responsivo para dar conta da melhor experiência possível do usuário, de forma a a...
Como utilizar links visando à usabilidade 1 Aug 2012 | 12:00 am
Quando se fala em conteúdo envolvido na experiência do usuário, é preciso dedicar uma atenção especial também aos links inseridos neste mesmo conteúdo, para que eles sejam eficientes e estejam de acor...
More jakob nielsen usabilidade related news:
Repurposing vs. Optimized Design (Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox) 22 May 2012 | 10:23 pm
See on – Vimi – The Inside Scoop It’s cheap but degrading to reuse content and design across diverging media forms like print vs. online or desktop vs. mobile. Superior UX requires tight pla...
Patrón de Lectura F en páginas web 28 Feb 2012 | 07:05 am
Jakob Nielsen, muchas veces conocido como ‘El rey de la usabilidad‘ o ‘El gurú de la usabilidad en páginas web‘ ha realizado estudios acerca de la manera como los visitantes de un sitio web le dan un ...
Skriv bra introtexter 2 Oct 2007 | 09:43 pm
Jakob Nielsen skriver om vikten av att skära ner på bla-bla-språket och få till bra introtexter i sin senaste kolumn »Blah-Blah Text: Keep, Cut, or Kill?«
Why You Won’t Read This Article – 10 Tips on Writing for the Web 3 Aug 2010 | 05:00 am
Per a recent Jakob Nielsen study, how to write effective copy for the unique way Web users are reading.
Jakob Nielsen 18 Nov 2006 | 12:06 am
I have mixed feelings about Jakob Nielsen. On the one hand, he’s fabulously famous (for an HCI practitioner, anyway). People who can barely spell usability are still quite likely to know the name and...
Is Password Masking Poor Usability? 25 Jun 2009 | 02:26 pm
My friend Dave C over at Djinn Software forwarded me Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox for today and it got me thinking. Since I can't comment on the Alertbox directly (hate that!) I figured it was worth a blo...
The Software Practitioner’s Digest: November 2011 21 Dec 2011 | 01:56 am
This tardy issue of The Software Practitioner’s Digest highlights articles from Better Software, IEEE Software, Software Engineering Notes and Jakob Nielsen, as well as a book on applied psychology in...
Jakob Nielsen: The Guru Of Web Page Usability 19 Jan 2011 | 09:05 am
Who Is Jakob Nielsen? Jakob Nielsen is a leading web usability consultant, author, and authority in human-computer interaction. Jakob has been been called: “The king of usability” (Internet Magazin...
Homepage Usability Tips 6 Jul 2011 | 09:33 am
Below are some tips for building website homepages from the book Homepage Usability by Jakob Nielsen. Though the book is almost 10 years old, I have found these principles to be just as true today as ...
Jakob Nielsen: “Mobile Web 2009 = Desktop Web 1998″ 19 Mar 2009 | 05:31 am
Os recomiendo la lectura del alertbox de Jakob Nielsen, Mobile Web 2009 = Desktop Web 1998. Según nos dice, los problemas que se encuentra ahora un usuario de web a través de dispositivos móviles son...