Most java tail-f kind related news are at:

Comparing objects in C++ 12 Jul 2012 | 12:21 am
The standard C++ pattern for comparing and ordering objects is to overload operator<() for your class. This function is what all the standard containers (std::set, std::priority_queue, etc.) and algor...
Space invaders? 27 Jan 2010 | 10:28 am
After my exams in December, I relaxed by writing a sort of space game using C++/SDL/OpenGL: I ripped the sprites from Space Invaders and Galaga/Galaxian, please forgive me. If whoever wants to play/h...
More java tail-f kind related news:
Heysan – Web Base Messenger Chat Client for Mobile 24 Jun 2011 | 05:10 pm
Heysan is Web Base Multi Protocol Messenger that was designed for Mobile Phone. It’s support any kind of Mobile Phone such as Windows Mobile, Java (J2ME), Symbian, Android, even iPhone or BlackBerry....
How to close SWT application to system tray? 26 Mar 2012 | 05:15 am
I wrote java application that once configured starting to perform long time task and may stay without user interaction days, weeks, months, years. For this kind of applications (good example mTorrent)...
Un-Decidedly Decisive 24 May 2012 | 03:51 am
The MSM in all their twisted, chase your own tail kind of logic, paints a picture of undecided voters who have decided to support Ron Paul.
Friendship with Flame 21 Jun 2009 | 02:10 pm
If for some people flame or fire is an enemy, not for this guy and his friends. Every Sunday a kind of traditional artist group named 'Singo Barong' conducted some of Javaness traditional art at Kota ...
Ring-Tailed Cat Cutie 10 Feb 2010 | 03:59 am
Living in the woods I have all kinds of critters on my porch like raccoons, squirrels, and fun hummingbirds. The other night I heard some racket on the porch, flung the door open and saw a raccoon tai...
Review: XL Silver Fox Crystal Minx Tail with Glass Plug 16 May 2012 | 06:43 am
Ever been so happy you’d wag if you had a tail? Our silly human bodies just wiggle without a tail. They look kind of silly considering YOU’RE imagining you have a tail and the rest of the world just s...
JAVA 8 Mar 2011 | 09:30 pm
yesterday the day was really really terrible. reason?? i was having a sudden energy rush, kind of adrenaline rush you say, and it flushed out my head. my right hemisphere was burning like the oven an...
Wayang Orang 10 Nov 2008 | 10:28 pm
Wayang orang, another kind of art performance usually held in Central Java. Wayang orang is played by human. The performance consists of many dancing, singing and talking in high javanese language, an...
JAVA in gaming industries? 14 Oct 2010 | 06:09 pm
Question by draco_987: JAVA in gaming industries? just to ask is there any game for PC(exclude mobile here) ever been writen in java codes ? i mean real adventure/RPG/RTS kind of game not program in ...
FireFox Java/Flash Errors 31 Jul 2007 | 08:37 pm
Do Not Install Firefox update Or you will get that same kind of errors as i got: It looks like that the new firefox doesn’t support Java or flash based websites, especially if you try to con...