Most javascript private variables related news are at:

Boiler Plate Response for Recruiters 2 Jul 2013 | 05:26 pm
I’m not against recruiters. The job I have now is through a recruiter. I’ve made money recommending people. I’ve worked a with a couple of them over several years. But I get several unsolicited emails...
ECMAScript 5 “strict mode” Alternatives 2 Apr 2013 | 07:02 am
ES5 offers a way to opt in to a restricted variant of JavaScript by adding strict mode to the top of a page or function. It can be used to access all of the language’s latest features, and have them w...
More javascript private variables related news:
JavaScript (Type Convertion) 4 Mar 2011 | 07:16 am
Type Convertion Conversion to Boolean Conversion to Boolean means a number or string type variable is changing it's type to Boolean. In JavaScript a variable can contain any type of data and t...
My Javascript Object maker 29 May 2009 | 07:52 am
While using my solution to clear, easy to understand and short asynchronous Javascript, I ran into a big problem. I wrote it properly(1), with private variables and all. But, if another part of code c...
Changing scope in PHP for unit testing 14 Oct 2009 | 12:54 am
Mathias Krieck recently publish an easy way to change scope of methods and variables. The main use is for unit testing (e.g PHPUnit) when you need to access protected or private variables / methods. ...
The danger of privates, and composition vs. inheritance 12 Dec 2012 | 09:43 am
The private variables debate is going around the PHP world again. Brandon Savage posted a pair of articles pointing out the perils of private variables, boiling down mostly to them making extension in...
Zhang Kai (GSoC): Weekly Report 29 Jul 2013 | 11:20 am
In the last week, I began to revise my patch for ticket 6639(Add cancellation support to twisted.internet.defer.DeferredList). The deferredList is private variable now. The DeferredList.__init__() w...
A function, JavaScript engine and the single var pattern to declare variables walk into a pub 3 Sep 2011 | 11:01 pm
Addy Osmani had published a very nice post that summarizes various problems found when doing JavaScript code review. Most of the points there worth paying attention to. However, there is one point the...
Multiple line html code assign to a javascript variable/ assign cakephp element to a javascript variable 5 Aug 2011 | 07:02 pm
I was working with google map api, I have task to make a infowindow for a marker. I faced some problem when I assigned multiple line code to a javascript variable. I tried to put a html code to a java...
Willkommen 19 Aug 2011 | 04:52 am
"hedix Websystems" ist eine private Unternehmung zur Erstellung von einfachen und effizienten Weblösungen auf Basis von PHP, JavaScript und HTML/CSS. Schauen Sie sich auf unseren Seiten um, bei Frage...
Apuntes Jquery 27 Jun 2009 | 02:29 am
Uso de plugin : metadata Un pequeño ejemplo de como usar el plugin metadata, muy útil para evitar el uso de variables en javascript, pues los valores quedan asociados al elemento. <script> function...
通过挟持 this 指针在 JavaScript 中模拟 private 24 May 2012 | 05:41 pm
JavaScript 是一种解释型的、基于对象的脚本语言,没有严格意义上的类,在这一点上不同于 C++、Smalltalk 或者 Java,不过作为替代,它支持构造函数(constructors),可通过执行代码创建对象:给对象分配存储,然后通过赋初始值来初始化对象属性的全部或部分。构造函数有个指向其原型对象的属性叫做 prototype,利用 prototype 可模拟出一个基本可用的“类”来。...