Most jim beam devils cut related news are at:
Four Bourbons To Buy This Fall 24 Aug 2013 | 02:26 am
All of these will be sold in the U.S. I’ve tried them all. These are all new and will be released over the next month or so. They are the best I’ve tasted this year (so far). In alphabetical order: E...
Whisky Advocate’s Fall Issue Top 10 Buying Guide Reviews 20 Aug 2013 | 04:00 pm
Here is your sneak preview of Whisky Advocate’s fall issue Buying Guide: the top 10 whiskies reviewed. We begin with #10 and end with the highest rated whiskey. #10: Few Rye, 46.5%, $60 Solid, chunk...
More jim beam devils cut related news:
Jim Beam Devils Cut 27 Aug 2013 | 08:30 am
Win the new Jim Beam Devils Cut RTD by selling your status to the Devil. But watch out the Devil may get you! Competition closes soon.
Jim Beam – Devil’s Cut 90 Proof Bourbon Review 27 Aug 2011 | 01:55 pm
According to Jim Beam, Devil's Cut is "A distincly bold bourbon with rich flavor unleashed from deep inside the barrel wood." I am no bourbon aficionado but I do prefer a good bourbon to just abo...
Jim Beam – Devil’s Cut 90 Proof Bourbon Review 27 Aug 2011 | 06:55 am
According to Jim Beam, Devil's Cut is "A distincly bold bourbon with rich flavor unleashed from deep inside the barrel wood." I am no bourbon aficionado but I do prefer a good bourbon to just about a...
The Drink 7 Sep 2012 | 07:32 pm
Drink: The Tempest—Jim Beam Devil’s Cut, Fresh Cantaloupe Juice, Fresh Lime Juice, Gunpowder Green Tea Syrup, Fresh Mint & Salt Address: 228 Manhattan Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11206 Website