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Le bon plan du Weekend pour partir découvrir le Queensland ! 7 Mar 2010 | 03:57 am
Je vous invite vous aussi à découvrir l’Australie et le Queensland. Comment me demanderez- vous ?? Simplement en participant à ce nouveau jeu concours ! Bon courage à toutes et à tous et à très vite.
Gday Sundays #1 for BenForBestJob! 16 Sep 2009 | 08:20 am
Last weekend, I attended the G’DAY Sundays event, organized by, in which people meet to talk about Australia. Some are back from a WHV (Work Holidy Visa), some are ...
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Movie Review: EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed 28 Apr 2008 | 05:31 pm
Ben Stein hosts this documentary about the censoring of free speech and throught in the world of academe. Several college/university professors are profiled who lost their jobs merely for mentioning "...
Classic Cars Trading 29 Feb 2012 | 02:12 am
The job of an auto trade is to sell and buy the cars, sell spare parts to keep the stock in the warehouse, and also for repair and car maintenance. When connected to a bicycle dealer in the comparison...
3 The Best New Sliding Glass Door Version Wiskha 29 May 2012 | 08:15 pm
wiskha – Choosing the best new sliding glass door is not an easy job, at least we need to spend enough time to do a comparison of the quality of the sliding glass door that has been provided by some o...
Ben Affleck - Not Just a Pretty Boy Actor 7 Jan 2011 | 07:26 pm
The Town Jon Hamm, from the hit series “Mad Men”, does a brilliant job as hard hitting FBI S.A. Adam Frawley. Adam Frawley is relentless in his pursuit of Bank Robber Doug MacRay (Ben Affleck) and hi...
Steady Income 12 Apr 2009 | 12:16 pm
We are happy to announce that Ben has landed a job with Acute Engineering. It's only part-time, but that allows Ben to keep working on Adventure Giving and filling the Amazon trip he has in September....
Job Searching 27 Feb 2009 | 02:31 pm
Regretfully, Big Amazon Fish is suffering from the economy so both Ben and I are job-searching. We would like to get the word out there and hopefully one or both of us can land a job sooner than later...
#ideas11 12 Social Media Productivity Ideas w/ @bkmcae 14 Mar 2011 | 08:50 am
Social Media Gurus don’t do the job of the community manager. Content Leader Ben Martin admits this session is not for the social media experts, but offers a Think Web First – Go from the web or soc...
Night At The Museum 17 Jan 2009 | 12:39 am
Larry Daley (Ben Stiller) is a divorced father who is unable to keep a stable job, the bulk of them being failed business ventures. He is desperate to win the support of his son Nick (Jake Cherry), wh...
The Change-Over... 3 Jun 2011 | 06:13 am
So the day has finally arrived. After many amazing sounding applicants for job of Choc Star manager, I came upon this pair. Presenting: Shrimp & Ben! Both were wilting in their office jobs and longin...
Lightside/DarkSide: St Austell Proper Job & Proper Black 6 Jun 2011 | 04:51 am
It's taken me a while to post this up; I just had to wait to do a side-by-side comparison when a brewer makes a light and dark version of the same beer. St Austell, that Cornish bedrock of the eponymo...