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Ristampe, che problema! Ovvero: affinità e divergenze tra le Stelle e noi. 30 Jul 2013 | 03:16 pm
Penso risulti evidente a tutti che nel corso degli ultimi anni siamo stati bombardati da ristampe: riedizioni di tutti i tipi, in tutti i formati e di tutto ciò che abbia perlomeno una minima possibil...
The Trip: Caronte (1971) 30 Jul 2013 | 02:57 pm
Storicamente parlando, "Caronte" è a tutti gli effetti uno dei primi album di Progressive Italiano in buona compagnia con "Concerto grosso n°1" dei New Trolls, "Collage" delle Orme, “In the beginning"...
More john classic rock related news:
My Amazon Advent Calendar, Day 4: Messiah by Krypteria 5 Dec 2011 | 09:36 am
To say my taste in music is a little eclectic would be a bit of an understatement I listen to everything for classic rock and classical to Nerdcore and Synthpop. While I don’t listen to a lot of meta...
Are You Hot Mama? Love and Life According to Foreigner’s Hot Blooded 18 Jul 2011 | 01:25 pm
Summary: Tens seconds of classic rock leads to ten minutes of relationship talk. I’m on the way to the boardwalk with my daughter and her good friend when I click on the classic rock station to clear ...
BOIL – Zombie (The Cranberries Cover).flv 3 May 2012 | 01:04 am
Zombie (The Cranberries Cover) by BOIL @ Classic Rock (Metal) 24/4/2012 – Chocolate Factory KK Times Square. Thanks to 4.AG (For Aggressive Gentlemen) band for inviting us again:) Thanks to the 2 came...
The Chicken (Monster) Chronicles Part 1 2 Feb 2011 | 04:54 pm
The Chicken Monster was created for a what was to be a funny moment in our classic ROCK N' ROLL NIGHTMARE (1987). I started by buying and roasting a small chicken. After letting it cool, I made a mold...
List with all Windows NT/XP text commands 6 Sep 2011 | 08:12 am
All windows commands to use on comand prompt screen From folk rock to psychedelic rock, there have been many groundbreaking sounds and voices. Here are the top ten most influential classic rock bands ...
List with all Windows NT/XP text commands 6 Sep 2011 | 08:12 am
All windows commands to use on comand prompt screen From folk rock to psychedelic rock, there have been many groundbreaking sounds and voices. Here are the top ten most influential classic rock bands ...
IT’S STILL ROCK ‘N ROLL TO MACE! 21 Nov 2011 | 11:48 am
Here's an article that appeared in our local newspaper. It traces the history of my Classic Rock band MACE … still alive and kicking! I'm posting this just to add a human interest angle t...
SMOKE ON THE WATER – Rock Anthem 2 Oct 2011 | 11:03 am
THE BACKGROUND Strangely enough, even though I've been playing Rock and Classic Rock live for the past 35 years, it's only in the past few months that Smoke on the Water has been added ...
In putting together this post, I have to admit …. I looked at a ton if Internet lists; The Top 100 Guitar Solos of All Time, Ten Best Guitar Solos Ever, All Time Greatest Guitar Solos, etc, etc, etc....
Uriah Heep - Heavy Progressive 20 Feb 2012 | 10:16 am
Uriah Heep Uriah Heep ένα συγκρότημα θρύλος το οποίο δεν ανήκει ακριβώς στη progressive σκηνή αλλά περισσότερο στο classic rock. Μπορεί να πει κανείς ότι ανήκει στο heavy prog rock από πλευράς progre...