Most john piper controversy related news are at:

ISI MP3's Will Not Be Available Much Longer 25 Apr 2012 | 07:19 am
Dear Iron Sharpens Iron listeners, There is a very good chance the mp3 recordings of the past shows won't be available much longer. If you've enjoyed a particular show, now would be a good time to d...
More john piper controversy related news:
Book Review: Desiring God (Revised Edition) 30 Nov 2011 | 07:40 am
Book Review: Desiring God, Meditations of a Christian Hedonist (Revised Edition) by John Piper Following on the heels of a successful publishing the past 25 years, John Piper has again revisited one ...
WJD Android Wallpapers! 25 Aug 2010 | 01:15 pm
John Piper sent word that he as added TONS of Android wallpapers on the WJD Designs website. GET YOUR FIEND ON!!! (Site registration re...
视频:约翰·派博谈《至高喜乐的传承》中文版 20 Apr 2012 | 06:37 pm
著名牧师、在美国广受喜爱的基督徒畅销书作家约翰·派博(John Piper)向中国的弟兄姊妹谈自己的“基督徒享乐主义”思想,谈新书《至高喜乐的传承》中的属灵伟人三部曲,并透露2012年有望携妻来华…… 链接到《至高喜乐的传承》书籍页面 《至高喜乐的传承》内容简介 本书不是在为“伟人”做传,而是为神做传,讲述神在这几位软弱卑微的人身上浇灌的恩典、彰显的荣耀。 奥...
Another Examination of John Piper’s “Masculine Christianity” 10 Feb 2012 | 06:11 am
Christian Piatt has written a thoughtful response to Piper’s push for a “masculine Christianity.” Piper says: “When I say masculine Christianity or masculine ministry or Christianity with a masculin...
If Jesus is “Masculine,” the Holy Spirit is “Feminine.” 7 Feb 2012 | 06:10 am
Rachel Held Evans has awoken me from my bloggging slumber. She threw out a gauntlet recently, challenging men to respond to a statement John Piper made at his recent pastors conference devoted to the...
john piper on ‘does a woman submit to abuse?’ 21 Apr 2011 | 12:14 pm
i try to stay out of the culture wars within our faith, truly i do, although i admit i’m not always successful. but! this makes me livid because it is condoning domestic abuse and i will speak out on ...
My story too... 18 Aug 2009 | 02:58 am
This was posted on the Desiring God blog today by John refreshing. This is my confession: I was born into a believing family through no merit of my own at all. I was given a mind to thin...
John Piper on the Properity Gospel 23 Feb 2010 | 11:01 am
I can't get this video out of my mind lately. It is SO powerful, it drove me to tears, but it is well worth watching:
End or Means? 29 Oct 2011 | 04:20 am
“Mission exists because worship does not.” With this phrase, John Piper begins his reformed missions manifesto, “Let the Nations Be Glad.” His assertion is simple: that worship is the goal of missions...
Let’s be rich toward God – John Piper 4 Mar 2012 | 05:51 am
If there is one thing the body of Christ in is American is plague with in 2012, it is EMBALANCE and EXTREME views of doctrine. Sometimes when Live Recession Proof Now focuses on developing multiple or...