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Happy New Year & Last Year’s final Races… 16 Jan 2011 | 03:12 am
Happy New Year everyone from the AIR Kawasaki Team! Just giving you guys a roundup of last year’s final races. Terlicko – Aug 2010 Due to the fact that we did not compete at the Ulster GP, the team ...
Ulster GP 2010 31 Aug 2010 | 11:32 pm
The AIR Kawasaki Team and Michal Dokoupil entered the 2010 Ulster GP. Unfortunately due to a dispute with certain members of the Dundrod and District Motorcycle club it was decided it would be in the ...
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World Super Bike 2012 Monza- Free Practice 2 Tom Sykes leads 6 May 2012 | 12:29 am
Tom Sykes from Kawasaki Racing team riding on Kawasai Ninja Zx-10R was the fastest during free practice session 2 at Monza.His fastest Lap time was 1:42.766 with top speed of 339.5 km/hr. In Second p...
World Superbike Round Seven Marks Halfway Point For KRT Duo 6 Jun 2012 | 01:29 am
World Superbike, Misano Adriatico, Republic of San Marino, 5 June 2012 Tom Sykes (Kawasaki Racing Team) and his new team-mate Loris Baz will reach the halfway point of the World Superbike season when...
Super Sykes se queda a medio punto de conseguir el Campeonato del Mundo de SBK 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Tom Sykes (Kawasaki Racing Team) subió dos veces al podio (3º en la primera manga y 1º en la segunda) en la última carrera del campeonato disputada este pasado fin de semana en Magny-Cours, esto le pe...
Super Sykes mindössze fél pontra a világbajnoki címtől Ninja ZX-10R-jén! 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
A Magny-Cours-i versenyen elért harmadik és első helyezésével Tom Sykes( Kawasaki Racing Team) a sorozat teljes 25 évének legszorosabb befutójaként mindössze fél ponttal maradt le a világbajnoki címrő...
Super-Sykes auf Ninja ZX-10R ist Vize-Weltmeister 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Der knappste Zieleinlauf den die WSBK-Serie in all ihren 25 Jahren je gesehen hat: Tommy Sykes (Kawasaki Racing Team) wird Dritter in Race 1, gewinnt Race 2 und wird mit nur 0,5 Punkten Rückstand Vize...
Sykes just misses WSBK title and Linfoot podiums in WSS 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Finishing third and first in the Magny-Cours races, Tom Sykes (Kawasaki Racing Team) lost a close fought world championship by half a point, in the closest finish the series has seen in all its 25 yea...
Super Sykes Only Half A Point From The Title On His Ninja ZX-10R! 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Finishing third and first in the Magny-Cours races Tom Sykes (Kawasaki Racing Team) only lost the world championship by half a point, in the closest finish the series has seen in all its 25 years.
Super Sykes auf Ninja ZX-10R ist Vize-Weltmeister 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Der knappste Zieleinlauf den die WSBK-Serie in all ihren 25 Jahren je gesehen hat: Tommy Sykes (Kawasaki Racing Team) wird Dritter in Race 1, gewinnt Race 2 und wird mit nur 0,5 Punkten Rückstand Vize...
Buty Tom'a Sykes? 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Sportowe buty Kawasaki Racing Team wyprodukowane we współpracy ze znaną Hiszpańską firmą Munich.
Super Sykes tylko pół punktu od tytułu mistrzowskiego na ZX-10R! 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Zajmując trzecie i pierwsze miejsce podczas rundy WSBK na torze Magny-Course Tom Sykes (Kawasaki Racing Team) przegrał tytuł Mistrza Świata tylko o pół punktu - najmniejszej różnicy w punkacji general...