Most kite surf world cup related news are at:

And the Winner is... 30 Jul 2013 | 08:19 pm
Zum Kitesurf Cup Sylt haben wir mit dem Designer Outlet Neumünster einen 250 Euro Einkaufgutschein verlost. Jetzt steht die Gewinnerin fest. Gewonnen hat Katrin Brause von Sylt und kann nun für 250 E...
Kitesurf Cup Sylt - Tag 6 7 Jul 2013 | 05:50 pm
Mit einem weiteren sonnigen Tag und einem Besucherrekord ist heute der MINI Kitsurf Cup Sylt 2013 zu ende gegangen. Rund 110.000 Zuschauer haben an den vergangenen Tagen die besten Kitesurfer Europas ...
More kite surf world cup related news:
(Deutsch) Ein Münchener in Hamburg: Der Regisseur von Keep Surfing startet beim JEVER SUP World Cup 30 Aug 2010 | 12:39 am
Da Boys road surf trip/adventure to Mozambique: Part 2 26 Aug 2010 | 05:18 am
This is the story of three friends who made the most of the 2010 World Cup, so much so that we did not surf enough during it. A decision was made to get back to our surfing roots and to go on a five w...
Kite Surfing in Maui 15 Oct 2012 | 01:46 pm
Kite Surfing in Maui Maui islands in Philippines, has also been attracted to the surfers especially the kite surfers from all round the world. If we go towards the north of the island lays the north...
Finale mondiale di Kitesurf, bronzo per Airton Cozzolino 12 Dec 2012 | 08:06 pm
Il campione del mondo 2011 Airton Cozzolino Lopes si è aggiudicato il terzo posto del Kite Surf Pro World Championship Tour tenutosi lo scorso week-end alle isole Hawaii. Leggi tutto...
PKRA Turkey 2013 – day 4 25 Aug 2013 | 02:04 am
Light winds at the Burn Kitesurf World Cup The strong afternoon thermal never came up, but the racers went out for two exhibition races to show the crowds of Burc beach what Slalom kite racing is all...
Windsurfing Movie Night by SURF-Magazin and Andre Paskowski 5 Jul 2013 | 02:53 pm
Following the successful movie night during the World Cup 2012, Andre Paskowski and Surf-Magazin happily announce that they team up to go for a new edition of the „Windsurfing Movie Night“ during the ...
PKRA Freestyle Event Wraps Up in Turkey 23 Aug 2013 | 10:45 pm
Ariel Corniel from the Domincan Republic and Gisil Ozen from Turkey have won the Kite Masters freestyle competition at the PKRA Burn Kitesurf World Cup in Istanbul this week. Corniel put on a great s...
PKRA Events Ignite in Istanbul, Turkey 22 Aug 2013 | 01:58 am
The first day of the Burn Kitesurf World Cup in Turkey started today with two ladders of slalom in the morning and finished with 23 heats of kite masters. Oswald Smith and Christine Boenniger dominat...