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BEDAH RUMAH GUNTUNG 12 Aug 2010 | 08:27 am
PT.KMI dan Kodim bedah rumah di kelurahan guntung dan loktuan,penancapan papan lokasi bedah rumah sebagai tanda dimulainya kegiatan dihadiri Dandim 0908 Kta Bontang Letkol inf Djaka Budi Utama dan man...
How will KMI impact the telecom industry in Korea? 10 Sep 2010 | 07:37 pm
To continue with our last post and give a preview on what will be our next post, I will briefly explain how the launch of KMI consortium will impact the overall telecom landscape in Korea. (LTE and W...
Korea Mobile Internet, the next MNO in Korea? 7 Sep 2010 | 11:30 pm
From our analysis of keywords that led traffic to our Korean Insight website, we were able to notice an increasing demand for information about KMI. KMI is short for Korea Mobile Internet, a consortiu...
Welcome to KMI Media Group Online 13 Nov 2008 | 07:23 am
WELCOME TO KMI MEDIA GROUP ONLINE! KMI Media Group is the leading independent publisher of targeted information about military technologies and operations, focusing on information required by Congres...
Kadın 29 Sep 2010 | 08:51 am
Tanri daglari yaratmis, söyle bir bakip : Mükemmel oldu" demis. Agaci yaratmis, ba...kmis ve : Çok güzel oldu" demis. Hayvanlari yaratmis : Of, süper oldu elime saglik" demis. Erkegi yaratmis : ...
Pelakon Terhebat.. 26 Aug 2011 | 01:07 pm
Mo tau sapa pelakon terhebat yg aku ckp ni.. - - - - Ops.. Silap.. Bkan yg ini.. Hah! Ni la pelakon hebat kmi.. Napa kitaorg panggil bdak kecik ni pelakon terhebat di abad ni.. 1. Dia selalu bu...
Mengisi Hari Minggu Yg Borring!!! 3 Mar 2011 | 04:24 am
Nie lah salah satu tempat utk mghilangkn boring kt Iptaa nie pd hari minggu....iaitu, makan KFC!!!...hehe Abg yg dlm gmbo nie adlh senior aku, wlaupom senior, ttp kmi mcm adik bradik, so dy yg ajk ak...
ramadhan 4 Aug 2011 | 05:26 pm
da lma x hangout ngn kwn3 aq..soo d 1 ptg yg pns n indh..kmi dcde tok nk kuaq....hihihi... kmi pg ke 2 lksi..1: ANEKA 2: TASIK DARUL AMAN well bla dngr ja aneka mcti ngt...
Co je to konvertor ? 18 Jul 2008 | 12:33 pm
Konvertor tedy LNB - Low noise block nebo LNC - Low noise convertor: umisťuje se na ráhno paraboly, což je vlastně její ohnisko a soustřeďuje se v něm přijímaný signál. Konvertor slouží pro převod kmi...
BerjaYe akhiR nye... 8 Oct 2010 | 04:28 am
Salam readers... ary ni, akhir nye... berjye jugk kmi wat exibition ni... semuanye berjaln dengan lancar.. cooperation pn boleh thn gk... semua berkat drpd ALLAH s.w.t. ALHAMDULILLAH... bnyk gm...