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UHD Fernseher auf der IFA 2013 13 Aug 2013 | 12:34 pm
Auch in diesem Jahr spielen TV-Innovationen auf der Internationalen Funkausstellung (IFA) in Berlin eine große Rolle. So liegt der Schwerpunkt in diesem Jahr bei UHD (Ultra-HD), dem Nachfolger von Ful...
Umsatzrückgang bei Loewe Fernsehern 11 Jul 2013 | 05:12 pm
In der internationalen Unterhaltungselektronik-Branche geht der weltweite Trend seit Jahren zur Konzentration. Den global fünf größten LCD-TV-Herstellern Samsung, LG Electronics, Sharp, Philips und So...
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Point of Interaction – Neu im Sortiment bei EIKI 12 Jun 2013 | 09:24 pm
EIKI Deutschland bringt sein neues Display-Sortiment in den Größen 42 bis 82 Zoll auf den Markt. Die Modelle sind als LCD oder LED, mit oder ohne interaktiv-Funktion (zwei bis 32 Touch-Point) erhältli...
KDL60EX700 Video 27 Aug 2011 | 05:23 pm
Read Full Sony Bravia EX700 Series 60-Inch LCD with LED back-lighting HDTV (KDL-60EX700) Description
KDL60EX700 – Sony Bravia EX700 Series 60-Inch LCD with LED back-lighting HDTV 18 Aug 2011 | 07:32 pm
KDL60EX700 – Sony Bravia EX700 Series 60-Inch LCD with LED back-lighting HDTV Click to Enlarge I’ve had this giant Sony for about a week and for the most part am quite pleased with KDL60EX700. The p...
Spot Alış Spot Satış 28 Feb 2012 | 09:31 pm
Spot mal almak isterseniz buradan takip ede bilirsiniz. çamaşır makinası spot alışınız 390 tl nakit çamaşır makinasını spotcuya satış 430 tl toshiba televizyon satın alışınız .modeli:LCD TV LED TV ...
TOSHIBA 32HL833F – 32 TV LCD A RETROECLAIRAGE A LED 30 May 2012 | 05:01 am
Toshiba 32HL833F – 32 TV LCD à rétroéclairage à LED, c’est l’opportunité de la semaine chez Inmac Wstore. 32HL833F TV LCD LED 32, matrice active TFT, résolution 1920×1080, luminosité 360 cd/m², contr...
Sharp LC60LE810UN 60-Inch LED LCD HDTV Full HD 1080p Netflix streaming 10 Mar 2012 | 11:31 am
With the introduction of the LC-60LE810UN, Sharp once again establishes its leadership in LCD and LED technology. In a monumental engineering breakthrough, Sharp's proprietary Quad Pixel Technology, a...
Sharp LC-46LE810UN AQUOS 46-Inch 1080p X-Gen LCD HDTV with Quad Pixel Technology 4 May 2012 | 07:20 pm
With the introduction of the LC-46LE810UN, Sharp once again demonstrates its leadership in LCD and LED technology. In a monumental engineering breakthrough, Sharp's proprietary Quad Pixel Technol...
SHARP LC-52LE820UN AQUOS 52 Inch 1080p 120Hz LED LCD HDTV 4 May 2012 | 07:20 pm
With the introduction of the 820UN series, Sharp once again demonstrates its leadership in LCD and LED technology. In a monumental engineering breakthrough, Sharp's proprietary Quad Pixel Technol...
Sharp LC-60LE820UN 60-inch 1080p 120Hz LED Edge-Lit LCD HDTV 4 May 2012 | 07:20 pm
With the introduction of the 820UN series, Sharp once again demonstrates its leadership in LCD and LED technology. In a monumental engineering breakthrough, Sharp's proprietary Quad Pixel Technol...
Sharp 52" Class Quattron Edgelit LED HDTV 4 May 2012 | 07:20 pm
With the introduction of the LC-52LE810UN, Sharp once again demonstrates its leadership in LCD and LED technology. In a monumental engineering breakthrough, Sharp's proprietary Quad Pixel Technol...