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JAY DEE / WELCOME 2 DETROIT (INSTRUMENTAL) (2LP) 27 Aug 2013 | 08:32 am
Jay Deeの集大成とも言える名盤アルバムのインスト集! UKの優良レーベル[BBE]が送るTHE Beat Generationシリーズの記念すべき第1弾だった本作。こちらははその嬉しい嬉しいインスト集です!これぞDetroit、これぞJay-Deeという極上トラックが満載に詰まった内容だっただけに欲しがっていた人も多いはず。巷の話題をさらった名曲、Donald Byrd「Think Twi...
WOODY HERMAN & THE HERD / JAZZ HOOT (LP) 27 Aug 2013 | 07:34 am
「Jazz Next Standard」誌にも掲載のMod Jazz名盤! Charlie Byrdのギターをfeat.したジャズ・ボッサ・ トラック「The Duck」、Jazz Juiceのコンピにも収録されたモッド・ジャズ傑作「Sidewinder」他、ボサノヴァ名曲「O Pato」のカヴァーあたりも素晴らしい!ジャズDJはマストなオススメアルバムです![中古盤]
More legends facts and figures related news:
Google Facts and Figures 26 Feb 2010 | 11:24 am
Google Facts and Figures from Royal Pingdom
WordPress is the right choice for Business websites or blog – Facts and Figures 9 Sep 2011 | 11:33 pm
About 3 years back we as a Web Design and Development Company, decided to chose WordPress as the only platform we will develop blog/websites on. The progress since then proves that our decision was ri...
Email Marketing Facts And Figures 16 May 2011 | 03:19 pm
With all the attention that social media and mobile marketing has been receiving the last few years, you might think that email marketing is dying, but that is not the case. In a recent survey by Exac...
Federal Debt Facts and Figures 28 Jul 2011 | 11:32 am
Federal Debt Facts and Figures There is quite a bit of misinformation floating around that seems to be clouding the U.S. debt debate. Here are the facts about U.S. debt, spending, and taxes. Pick a...
SEO India – Measure Your Success 20 Mar 2012 | 09:50 am
There is no denying that the first step towards creating an online presence is to design an impressive website that is rich in facts and figures that are appropriately illustrated with the help of pic...
Cancer Facts and Figures 2011 1 Dec 2011 | 07:39 am
156,940 That’s how many people are expected to die in 2011 from lung cancer. More women are expected to die from lung cancer than from breast and colon cancer combined. For men, it’s worse. More m...
Locating the Best SEO Company Your Website Needs for Top Ranking 17 Jan 2012 | 11:04 am
Locating the best SEO Company which can help your website attain top ranking in search engines is a tough job. You need to know some parameters of the SEO Company, some basic facts and figures, and th...
How to Create and Sell Your Own iPhone Apps? 26 Mar 2012 | 02:53 am
This is for all the iPhone freaks who love apps but never knew that creating one isn’t as difficult as it seems to be, but before we get into the thick of things here are some facts and figures. Appl...
30 Terrific Twitter Facts And Figures 18 Apr 2012 | 01:06 pm
Twitter has always suffered an image problem and is not usually taken very seriously by the general public. Its name doesn’t help with some people even saying that ‘Twitter is for twits’. Despite this...
50 Fascinating Facebook Facts And Figures 18 Apr 2012 | 12:29 pm
The rise and rise of Facebook is producing a scramble by marketers and companies to leverage its huge global database and traffic. Google is looking over its shoulder as Facebook grows at over 10 mil...