Most lg magic motion remote related news are at:

Review: The Last of Us 16 Jun 2013 | 10:09 am
The world as you know it is over. A fungal virus has swept across the US completely devastating society. Everyone who has breathed in the toxic spores has turned into a mindless, zombie-like creature,...
5 Things You Didn’t Know About the BlackBerry Q10 8 Jun 2013 | 06:20 am
What goes into designing a successful smartphone? Turns out there’s a lot more to the design process than many realize. Take the BlackBerry Q10 for example. The design appears to be quite simple. In f...
More lg magic motion remote related news:
LG 55LX9900 55-inch Widescreen Full LED 3D Infina Internet TV with Freeview HD 5 Jul 2011 | 07:43 am
DELIVERED FREE IN THE UK. Special features: Magic Motion Forget about the remote control. D o not dream about the magic wand. With the LG Magic Motion Remote Control, you can control your world of ...
LG Magic Motion remote updated with voice recognition features 23 Dec 2011 | 03:27 pm
Back in CES 2010, LG unveiled the LG Magic Motion remote which was essentially a remote control with Wii-like capabilities. It basically allowed the user to make selections and browse... Read more »
OffTV launched on LG Smart TV 18 Feb 2013 | 10:16 pm
with the new Magic Motion remote
Freakin' Friday! LG New Google TVs 4 Jan 2013 | 08:07 pm
LG will be unveiling their latest Google TV at next month's CES. The GA6400 and GA7900 series utilizes their Magic Qwerty Remote to work with Voice Search and PrimeTime quick guide. There are more goo...
Broń w zasięgu kanapy - LG Magic Remote 23 Aug 2013 | 05:30 pm
Wątpię, żeby pozostałe coś takiego miały, w googlach nic nie mogę znaleźć. Nawet Sony pomimo że mają kinecta z ps3 to nie widziałem nigdzie takiego pilota. LG ma wyłączność?
LG 60PZ950 3D TV 12 Feb 2012 | 05:52 pm
The LG 60PZ950 comes with simple user interface making this Smart TV even smarter. This television is using motion-sensing remote allowing you to point easily and click on any application you want to ...
LG Cinema Screen 47LM6700 47-Inch Cinema 3D 1080p 120Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV and Six Pairs of 3D Glasses 22 Aug 2012 | 07:45 am
LG Cinema Screen 47LM6700 47-Inch Cinema 3D 1080p 120Hz LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV and Six Pairs of 3D Glasses The Magic Remote makes selecting features on your TV is as easy as the wave of your hand ...
Bloggers Wanted: LG Smart Magic Bigscreen Event 5 Sep 2012 | 05:38 am
The LG Smart Magic Bigscreen Event is hosted by Mom Powered Media. Prize: LG 42" Smart 1080p Edge-Lit LED HDTV with Wi-Fi and Magic Remote The event dates: 11/5 - 11/26 Free Event ~ Sign-Up Here – ...
More from IFA and the future of TV: dual viewer screens, the war of 3D glasses and magic remotes 8 Sep 2012 | 02:24 am
My previous post from my trip to the IFA consumer electronics show was all about OLED and 4K and what LG, who invited me to the show, were promising consumers for the years ahead in the field of TV. B...
LG 65LM620s 3D LED televizorius 2012m. naujena - 9 799,00 Lt 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
LG 65LM620s 3D LED televizorius „LED“ ekranas „Cinema 3D“ 2D–3D konvertavimas „LG Smart TV“ „Magic Remote“ nuotolinis valdymas „Smart Share“ „Wireless Display“ „Resolution Upscaler“ „Dual Pla...