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Trei motive pentru Marketing 24/7 26 May 2011 | 06:08 pm
UNU. MARIUS GHENEA Participarea la orice eveniment de business este o oportunitate pentru networking și learning. Iar acest lucru se întâmplă dacă participanții, speakeri și audiență sunt de calitate,...
Lansare OpenCoffee Club Sibiu – 11 martie 2011 8 Mar 2011 | 10:19 am
Dacă ești familiarizat cu conceptul de OpenCoffee Club, poți să citești de la paragraful următor. Dacă nu, trebuie să-ți spun câteva cuvinte despre aceste întâlniri informale, care au început în Londr...
More linux open alternative days related news:
Alternative Software for Compression or Extract File 11 May 2013 | 07:29 pm
Name: 7-Zip URL: License: Open source / GNU Lesser General Public License Platform: Win32, Win64, Win IA64, Linux x86 Alternative to: WinRAR, WinZip Notes: Can only compress into ...
Stallman vs. Microsoft Ninjas 29 Aug 2008 | 10:17 am
I was browsing Rayed’s blog that day, and i found a link to a site full of comics, after doing some search on some of the famous keywords in information technology ( Linux, Open source..etc ), i found...
Stallman vs. Microsoft Ninjas 29 Aug 2008 | 10:17 am
I was browsing Rayed’s blog that day, and i found a link to a site full of comics, after doing some search on some of the famous keywords in information technology ( Linux, Open source..etc ), i found...
How to create a linen texture with GIMP 28 Aug 2011 | 11:24 am
Have you noticed that linen textures have become very popular in design these days? In this tutorial we’re going to create a linen texture using GIMP the free open source alternative to Photoshop. S...
Why igolaware Linux? 4 Jul 2011 | 11:00 am
iGolaware Linux was created to be a complete modern day operating system. Linux has the advantage of being a free, secure and open source OS. However all too often Linux is frowned upon by the genera...
Openindiana Presentation – The alternative OpenSolaris free 7 Apr 2012 | 02:27 am
OpenSolaris – Day project to provide an open source Solaris – is a great success. OpenSolaris is useful for system administrators and developers, as well as have access to Solaris source code even use...
Tomahawk, the open source alternative to iTunes and more 10 May 2012 | 12:42 am
The other day Luman , a friend sent me a link to where AppStorm published an analysis of Tomahawk, an alternative to open-source iTunes. After the first few minutes my intention was to close the page ...
Anglo Cement Lorry Protester Morphing into Hero in an Ireland Seething with Pent-UP Fury 30 Sep 2010 | 11:58 pm
Yesterday was the opening day of the Dáil, our Parliament, once a revolutionary institution set up as an alternative centre of democratic power in Ireland before the British state relinquished politic...
Cachemanager für Linux 3 Aug 2010 | 08:42 am
Beim Stöbern bin ich auf das Open Source Projekt Open Cachemanager gestoßen. Die Entwickler haben den Anspruch eine gsak ebenbürtige quelloffene Alternative zu bieten. Ich bin gespannt wie sich das ga...
make Gold Mail compatible with Open Office presentations the license free alternative to MS Office. 1 Apr 2012 | 07:37 pm
David Watson suggested: As the world moves to Linux and cloud based computing open source software is being utilised. Open Office has a free 'Powerpoint' type application that could be used if linked ...