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LXDE 27 Aug 2008 | 02:46 am

The "Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment" is an extremely fast-performing and energy-saving desktop environment. Maintained by an international community of developers, it comes with a beautiful inter...

Kernel routing table and intefaces to get this to work 9 Apr 2012 | 09:01 pm

Thanks a lot Uwe, finally the Telia E1750 modem is up on my Debian Squeeze/LXDE laptop (EEEPC 1000HE) and with usb-modeswith 1.2.3. (no configuration needed!) To share my working configuration: My ...

Work on new version has started 20 Jul 2011 | 07:55 pm

I started working on a new version of MintPPC, which will be based on Linux Mint LXDE 11 on top of Debian Wheezy. I can tell you that the desktop is a pleasure for the eye. There are a lot of new deta...

How to install Fluxbox Window Manager in Ubuntu ? 8 Oct 2011 | 04:43 pm

Fluxbox is a super fast window manager written in C++ that is being used as the GUI "creator" by many desktop environments. And just like with OpenBox (another WM) which is used in LXDE, Fluxbox is al...

Debian 安装 pcmanfm 0.9.5 15 May 2010 | 04:15 pm

运行环境 Debian/GNU Linux sid (时间 2010. 05. 15) 参考请主意时效性. LXDE 是一个轻量级的桌面环境, pcmanfm 是它的默认文件管理器. 但之前 pcmanfm 有一个重要的不足就是没有回收站功能, 终于重新设计的新版的 pcmanfm 0.9 支持回收站功能, 只是现在还在开发, 可能不稳定. 利用的是 gvfs 来支持回收站. 最新 pcman...

DoudouLinux 1.0 Linux Untuk Anak-Anak 29 Jun 2011 | 04:41 pm

DoudouLinux 1.0 (baca: DueDueLinux) distro berbasis Debian Lenny adalah sistem operasi yang ditujukan untuk anak-anak umur 2 - 12 tahun. OS ini menggunakan desktop LXDE dan mendukung 15 bahasa, yakni ...

[LXDE] Pcmanfm 0.9.10 su Debian Wheezy per aggirare il bug #605760 15 Dec 2011 | 05:17 am

Se siete, come me, dei felicissimi neo-utilizzatori del Desktop Environment LXDE e se, come me, non usate altra distribuzione GNU/Linux al di fuori di Debian, avrete certamente notato che il file-mana... Linux 3 is released! 23 Nov 2010 | 07:53 pm

Dear friends, The long wait is over and the giant is here. Yes, it includes everything we had in earlier versions and additionally, we have KDE, XFCE, LXDE with Gnome and lots of games! So all the Win...

Install LXDE Desktop di Julia 13 Mar 2011 | 01:55 am

Sudah tiga bulan tidak menulis di blog… hampa juga rasanya… di tahun 2011 ini baru kali ini ingin menulis kembali di blog kesayangan kita ini. Kali ini saya ingin sekedar menulis saja tentang Linux ke...

PCLinuxOS 2012 ora disponibile per il download 30 Jun 2011 | 08:40 pm

su sono disponibili per il download pclinuxos-kde-2012.02 pclinuxos-kde-minime-2012.02 pclinuxos-lxde-2012.01 pclinuxos-phoenix-Xfce-2012-02 pc...

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