Most macbook desktop related news are at:

Cuore digitale 19 May 2011 | 01:41 am
Sfondo desktop di un cuore digitale.
Tramonto digitale 19 May 2011 | 01:41 am
Sfondo desktop di un tramonto digitale.
More macbook desktop related news:
Graphtec CE5000-60 mit Strass-Starterkit 15 Oct 2011 | 12:25 am
Sowohl der Graphtec Schneideplotter CE5000-60 als auch der Graphtec Schneideplotter CE5000-60 Desktop werden jetzt mit einem Strass-Starterkit ausgeliefert. Das Strass-Starterkit beinhaltet 2 Blatt Ma...
Graphtec CE5000-60 Desktop 14 Jul 2011 | 04:52 am
Die Graphtec Schneideplotter Familie CE5000 hat ein neues Mitglied - den Graphtec CE5000-60 Desktop! Dieses Modell ist mit dem Graphtec CE5000-60 identisch, verfügt jedoch nicht über einen Standfuß. D...
Remove the shortcut arrow from the desktop 5 Nov 2011 | 02:28 pm
How to remove the shortcut arrow from the desktop ? Open Regedit and navigate to the following key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Shell IconsBackup.....
Silverback App holding page goes live 15 Feb 2008 | 01:00 am
Clearleft are pleased to announce Silverback - a revolutionary new desktop application for web designers, available in the first half of 2008. Stay tuned for more news.
射手科技公开课第九辑 『MVC桌面应用开发-4』 20 Jan 2011 | 01:36 am
这一辑的MVC桌面应用开发集中在Windows部分。Windows开发中的MFC框架历史悠久。可是时间越久往往也会积弊难返。那么如何在Windows开发中理解和应用MVC架构,就是需要发挥想象力的过程。本篇提出了一个Windows下在用户交互应用中实现MVC框架的思路,并结合上一辑同样使用了Notepad设计来作为案例样本来设计并分析。 MVC for Desktop Application –...
射手科技公开课第八辑 『MVC桌面应用开发-3』 22 Dec 2010 | 05:53 pm
这一辑从一个Mac OSX范例出发,展示了一个Cocoa框架下的MVC开发模型。我们可以看到Mac下的开发框架Cocoa本身已经具有基本MVC的结构,但是在Controller与View之间仍然有一定程度的耦合。 MVC for Desktop Application – Part 3 View more webinars from Tomasen.
Cocos2d-x C++ Port of Cocos2d for iOS, Android, Desktop 17 May 2012 | 11:58 pm
cocos2d-x is the natural evolution of the cocos2d-iphone engine to C++ and it is stable and producing multiplatform games. cocos2d-iphone is a great Objective-C game engine (and the first really) tha...
Monitorare il desktop remoto con schermate regolari 25 Mar 2011 | 08:28 am
Molte volte succede di dover consentire la connessione desktop remota al computer per ottenere supporto da qualcuno o permettergli di lavorare sul proprio computer. In tal caso, si desidera monitorare...
Apple lanza una nueva generación del MacBook Air 21 Oct 2010 | 12:38 pm
Hoy Apple ha realizado una serie de anuncios y lanzamientos, uno de los principales es el relativo a la puesta en el mercado de una nueva generación de uno de los notebooks más pequeños del mercado, e...
Black Friday Macbook Air/Pro Deals for 2011! 25 Nov 2011 | 10:03 am
Want to save BIG this Black Friday on Macbook Air and Pro laptops? Well, Amazon has the best prices on Macbook Air and Pro laptops, these are all $50-100 less than actually buying at Apple store. Thes...